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这匹马看起来栩栩如生。The horse looks so life-like.

他把那匹马画得栩栩如生。He painted the horse to the life.

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她用泥做了一只栩栩如生的狗。She formed a lively dog out of the clay.

色彩艳丽、栩栩如生的面塑寿桃。Colorful and vivid dough moulded peaches.

他能在五分钟内画出一只栩栩如生的猫。He can draw a lively cat in five minutes.

冰块内的观赏也同样栩栩如生,活灵活现。View within the ice also lifelike, vivid.

好演员能将一个人物演得栩栩如生。A good actor renders a character to the life.

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如何利用树叶编织制作栩栩如生的草蜢。How to make a lively grasshopper with leaves.

桥栏上还雕有四只栩栩如生的石狮。On top of the bridge are4 lifelike stone lions.

徐以画栩栩如生的马而最出名。Xu is most famous for his lively paintings of houses.

多尔尼克的书生动,人物栩栩如生。Dolnick’s book is lively and the characters are vivid.

有些人能将戏偶舞得栩栩如生。Some people are able to make the puppets appear alive.

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他画的奔马,栩栩如生,极其神似。The galloping horses he paints are extremely lifelike.

都不仅仅是一个特殊的故事中的栩栩如生的角色。These are not only vivid characters in a unique story.

他画的奔马栩栩如生。The galloping horses he painted are extremely lifelike.

芳香在他心中唤出了她的容貌,栩栩如生,几乎伸手可及。The odour brought her vividly, almost tangibly before him.

作家在书中将这一历史人物描写得栩栩如生。The writer made this historical character live in his book.

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当金星在晨曦中升起,我正在栩栩如生的梦中。When Lucifer appeared in the dawn, I dreamed a vivid dream.

这个栩栩如生的机器宠物能看到,听到并感觉到你的触摸。THIS lifelike robotic pet can see, hear and feel your touch.

这套面塑人物真是做工精巧,栩栩如生。This set of dough modeling creatures is delicate, and vivid.