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若即若离,非此非彼!If namely if leave, not this not that!

她不再那么紧贴着我,显得若即若离。She stopped fitting me so closely and seemed offish.

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你敢不敢有点儿长性,别得到了就不珍惜,若即若离你才得劲儿?A bit long of you dare, do not get the treasure, aloof until you get awkward?

风跟着你若即若离,留下触不到的痛惜,陨落下了我们的回想。The wind as you dominated. Leave not hit the pity. Falling down our memories.

“不即不离,若即若离”是艺术的最高境界,也是爱情的最高境界。"Keeping apart but not afar" is the highest state of art, and also that of love.

妳我注定就像两片相邻的树叶,若即若离,然后壹起枯萎零落。Doomed just like you and me two adjacent leaves, Ruojiruoli, and then wither away together.

于是你想起了你那个若即若离的红颜,于是她的胸膛成了你受伤的港湾。So you think the roots of your ambiguous on that, so she becomes your chest injuries Harbor.

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有些信用卡公司仍若即若离地处理着网上赌博交易。And some credit-card companies, albeit inadvertently, are still processing these transactions.

茶是淡淡的君子,它陪伴在您的周围,若即若离,但却不喧宾夺主。Tea is a hint of a gentleman, which accompany you around the ambiguous on, but not unoriginal.

风随着你若即若离,留下触不到的可惜,陨落下了我们的回忆。The wind with you be neither friendly nor aloof, leave the pity is not hit, falling of our memories.

然而,我们对黑咖啡总是了解得太少,若即若离的距离让黑色的它倍添神秘。However, our understanding of black coffee is always too little, aloof from it so black it even more mysterious.

我和历史学院保持着若即若离的联系,一周写两篇论文,听听临时讲座。I kept a tenuous connexion with the History School, wrote my two essays a week, and attended an occasional lecture.

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每天中午在果园里逛的时候,品味着风里那一丝丝若即若离的甜香,就又找到了那种久违的感觉——心痒。Every noon I walk in the orchard, smelling the wind of a little sweet, and the long lost feelings came back— fidget.

你若即若离的爱以翅梢轻拂我的向日葵,从未询问它是否即将奉献它的花蜜。Your flitting love lightly brushed with its wings my sun?flower and never asked if it was ready to surrender its honey.

他们的极大独立,让法国很少出现误判的情况,但它也暴露了政治人物与商业精英的某种若即若离的关系。Their robust independence has led to a few miscarriages of justice, but it has also exposed murky dealings among the political and business elite.

他告诉本网站说,虽然社区卫生工作者是全球卫生专门工作组的一个关键组成部分,他们在更大的框架中仍然“若即若离”。Net that even though community health workers are a vital part of the global health taskforce, they remain "half in, half out" of the larger framework.

平凡的生活里充盈着无限生机,烦恼与欢愉若即若离,自然的就像人与土地难舍难分。Worries and happiness maintain a lukewarm relationship, as naturally as that between man and earth-they can hardly tear themselves away from each other.

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我停下脚步,望着自己的影子若即若离,忽明忽暗,那张脸,熟悉而又陌生,近在眼前,却又恍若天边。I stopped and looked at his own shadow ambiguous on, flickering, the face, familiar and unfamiliar, within easy reach, but reminding us of scenes horizon.

新时期的“汪曾祺热”作为一种文化现象,已经超出了文学的范畴,与不少文艺思潮具有“若即若离”的关联。As a culture phenomenon, The "Wang Zengqi re" of new period has exceeded the category of literature and kept any of trend of literary thought at an arm's length.

有效校本教研必须以校本视野为立足点,这意味着,教师向同行“打开教室门”,并与外部研究者“若即若离”。Effective school-based research must adhere to school-based horizon, which means the teacher opens the classroom door to his peers and keeps experts at an arm's length.