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吊索具是一种起重工具。Sling with a lifting gear.

电动平车起重机械的一种。Electric flat car a lifting.

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吊索具是起重工具的一种。Sling with a lifting gear kind.

皮带式输送机是起重机械的一种。Leather belt is a kind of lifting.

紧线器是一种起重工具。Tight-line device is a lifting gear.

紧线器是起重工具的一种。Tight-line device is a lifting tool.

手推搬动车是起重机械的一种。Hand moving car is a kind of lifting.

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液压登车桥是小型起重机械的一种。Hydraulic dock ramp is a small crane.

吊运机是起重机械的一种。Lifting machine is a kind of lifting.

吊篮是用于起重机的一种起重工具。Basket is used as a crane lifting gear.

电动平车是起重机械的一种。Electric flat car is a kind of lifting.

便携式小吊机是起重工具的一种。Portable small crane is a lifting tool.

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曲臂式升降机是小型起重机械的一种。Crank-type lift is a small lifting kind.

全电动堆高机小型起重机械的一种。Full Electric Stacker small lifting kind.

在第一个楼梯的上面是一个起重架台。At the top of the first ladder Is a gantry.

固定式升降货梯是小型起重机械的一种。Fixed cargo lifter is a kind of mini-crane.

液压登车桥是小型起重机械的一种。Deng Axle is a small hydraulic lifting kind.

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本公司生产的永磁起重器的安全系数为3.5。The safe coefficient of magnet lifter is 3.5.

全电动堆高机是小型起重机械的一种。Full Electric Stacker is a small lifting kind.

滑轮组是起重配件的一种。Pulley group is a kind of lifting accessories.