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他那红扑扑的两颊亮光光的。His red cheeks were shiny.

喝了几杯酒,脸上红扑扑的。After a few drinks his face flushed.

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小姑娘小脸红扑扑的很可爱。The little girl is so lovely with flushing face.

如今你看他们又结实又胖,脸上红扑扑的。Today you see them bouncing , buxom, red as cherries.

小姑娘红扑扑的脸上挂着微笑。The little girl's rosy cheeks are brightened by smile.

这孩子的脸蛋子总是红扑扑的,格外讨人喜欢。The child's cheek is always red, and especially attractive.

一天三个,一周七个,红扑扑的脸蛋像苹果。Three each day, seven days a week, ruddy apple, ruddy cheek.

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她有红扑扑的脸颊,而且她那很有光泽的头发还被剪得齐齐的。She has these red cheeks, and her silk hair has been evenly cut.

女孩总共大约卖了20串,红扑扑的脸上很灿烂。Girl sold a total of about 20 strings, flushed face was brilliant.

她有红扑扑的脸颊,而且她那很有光泽的头发还被剪得齐齐的。She has these red cheeks, and her silk hair has been evenly15 cut.

我全部的记忆就是朵拉的金发、朵拉红扑扑的脸蛋、朵拉美丽的蓝眼睛!All I remember was Dora's golden hair, and Dora's blushing face, and Dora's beautiful blue eyes!

我利用有关热学科技来煮茶,红扑扑的脸时常变换颜色。When the tea is ready the thermochromic technology comes into play. Watch me blush and change my colors all the way!

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她们四个人,脸上红扑扑,眼睛水汪汪,夏服轻飘飘,挤在路旁的土坡上面,看着非常迷人,非常可爱。The rosy-cheeked, Bright-eyed quartet looked so charming in their light summer attire, clinging to the roadside bank.

红扑扑脸色的女侍不大会讲英文,但并不妨碍她及时端上笔者要的茶。The red-cheeked waitress knew little English, but that didn't prevent her from serving me the tea I had ordered, just in time.

青河彻夜不眠揉摸着,终于在天亮时发出来了,满身密密麻麻的、红扑扑的。Qinghe felt on and on for all the night until they came out at daybreak in the end. Hongfei was covered with all Red Acute Disease.

当我问您您是否愿意和我结婚与我一同经营我们的幸福时,您羞涩的低下头说好,我瞅着您红扑扑的脸庞幸福得发狂。When I asked you if you're willing to marry me and my fellow business our happiness, you head say shy, I look at your red face happiness to distraction.

冬天来了河里结着厚厚的冰,人们穿着各种冬装,围着围巾,戴着手套,但也难抵御寒冷的侵袭,脸都冻得红扑扑的。Winter has come the river "with thick ice, people in all kinds of winter clothing, around the scarf, wearing gloves, but also difficult to resist the descent of the cold, cold red face."

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当我看她时,她的脸红扑扑的,我想她是又尴尬又高兴,因为这个解释在某种程度上符合了她想法。My daughter's cheeks coloured as I met her gaze, in embarrassment and in pleasure, too, I thought, as though her insight had been confirmed in a way that gratified her sense of her own sophistication.