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然后还有在大街上的再次重逢?And then again in the street?

我会带着无尽的爱,在路的那头与你重逢。Endless love, see you down the road.

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这对大本来说是一次家庭重逢。It was a family reunion for Big Ben.

终于重遇,在那制造无数离别和重逢的机场。At last, they met again, at a airport.

而鲁尼的葬礼将在周一举行,届时他将与特拉维斯重逢。Looney's body will join him on Monday.

虽然我与各位大都是第一次见面,但对48家集团俱乐部早有耳闻,见到大家像老友重逢。The 48 Group Club is no stranger to me.

等于是五十年重逢聚会。A kind of a fifty-year anniversary reunion.

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等于是五十周年重逢聚会。A kind of a fifty-year anniversary reunion.

泰子遇到了她的邻居,这是她们震后第一次重逢。Sasaki-san sees a neighbour for the first time.

R2在十年后与阿纳金重逢。Artoo would be reunited with Anakin a decade later.

公爵和公爵夫人终于在英国的土壤下重逢了。Duke and Duchess were finally united under British soil.

只为我是父亲的女儿,将来总会重逢For I am my father's daughter, one day we will meet again.

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俊表与丝草在游艇上重逢。他们紧紧拥抱。Jun Pyo and Jan Di reunite on a yacht. He hugs her tightly.

近日,英国一对恋人在分离65年后重逢并结婚。UK couple reunited 65 years after they were split during WWII.

瓷片渴望完整,朋友期待重逢。Tiles desire to complete and friends look forward to a reunion.

任务完成后魁刚返回之际与塔尔重逢了。Upon returning from this mission, Qui-Gon is reunited with Tahl.

我仍在慢慢消化我们的重逢,这要花上一段时间。I am still digesting our reunion and will be for quite some time.

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周末,因为旧友重逢,我们晚上去麦乐迪唱歌。We went to "melody"to have a party with old friends last weekend.

在梦幻中,我难道没有多次与他重逢?And in dreams and reveries, haven’t I revisited him countless times?

多少年后,当我们重逢时,我们还能不能想起现在的903?Some years later , when we meet agian, can we still remember the 903?