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我的愁绪揶揄以问我它们自己的名字来揶揄我。My sad thoughts tease me asking me their own name.

他受人揶揄讥嘲的时代已经过去了。The time has passed when he was an object of ridicule.

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于是我揶揄他们因为我不相信他们的话。So I chaffed them because I didn't believe their words.

语言上的插科打诨、揶揄嘲笑也有很强的喜剧效果。The buffoonery and derision of Language also have very strong comedy result.

这往往是联盟成员间大肆揶揄与说垃圾话的时刻。This is often a time of much teasing and trash-talking among league members.

不过是微乎其微的的一件事,商人们却对我揶揄嘲笑,拒我于千里。It is but for a little thing, and the merchants have mocked at me, and denied me.

Dmitri显然被这场争论搞疯了,于是摆出了他父亲的揶揄姿态。Dmitri, apparently maddened by the controversy, now adopted his father's teasing stance.

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反对派揶揄政府的建议,说成是老调重弹。The opposition ridiculed the government's proposals, saying they often have nothing new.

参加庆典的人向他们的邻居索要食物,麦芽啤酒和钱,并对那些小气的人大加揶揄。Celebrants demanded food ale and coins from their neighbors and mocked those who wouldn't comply.

大家不难发现,当奥巴马揶揄自己的时候,他俨然把自己当成一个超人在嘲弄。One can’t help noticing that when Mr Obama mocks himself, he mocks himself for being super-human.

参加庆典的人向他们的邻居索要食物,麦芽啤酒和钱,并对那些小气的人大加揶揄。Celebrants demanded food, ale, and coins from their neighbors and mocked those who wouldn't comply.

不过,他的幽默诗句更多是对同辈人的揶揄和打趣。His humorous rhymes were, however, more often quips and cranks at the expense of his contemporaries.

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但如果他一意孤行,它将被竞争者揶揄,被评论人攻击并被读者抛弃。But if he persisted, he would be razzed by competitors and assailed by commenters and abandoned by readers.

肖似事情还有王朔对鲁迅的调侃,郭敬明对新时期以来作家的揶揄等等。Similar events were Wan excellentgshuo madvertisementse comment to Luxun -Guojinming versus new era writers.

当我们吃主菜时,我忍不住就将统计数据人性化这个更大的问题去揶揄他。As we tuck into our main courses, I can't resist teasing him about this bigger game of humanising statistics.

一位猫扑网民揶揄道,各位国际友人百忙之中还来帮助我国拍摄这样一部主旋律影片。Friends from all over the world take the trouble to help our nation shoot such a mainstream movie. What spirit!

“昆德拉式的幽默”除了揶揄、谐趣之外,更多的则是基于“诗性沉思”的自嘲和反讽。Kundera's humor mainly contains laughing-at-himself and irony from poetic meditation besides jeer and witticism.

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于是我揶揄他们因为我不相信他们的话。想到他们竟然怀疑我的爱情,我不禁笑了。So I chaffed them because I didnt believe their words. When I thought about how they doubted my love, I laughed.

利用现成品对现实进行揶揄的表达方式仍被艺术家采用,并总是冠以反讽艺术商品化的意图。The artist still use the commodity to mock the reality, and with the note to satirize the commercialization of art.

如果有人取笑你放在地板上的床垫,或揶揄你空空的橱柜,请面带微笑从容应对此事。If someone pokes fun at your mattress on the floor, or teases you about your empty cabinets, smile and take it in stride.