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那将军是个嗜杀成性的人。The general is a real butcher.

他最后说,严惩这样一个嗜杀成性的人对社会是有益的。It would be beneficial to society to punish such a cruel being, he concluded.

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那个嫌疑犯嗜杀成性,但对自己的小儿子却异常温柔。The suspect is a Spartan dog but he is surprisingly gentle to his little son.

那嫌疑犯嗜杀成性,但他对待自己的小儿子却异常温柔。The suspect is a Sparton dog but he is surprisingly gentle to his little son.

那嫌疑犯嗜杀成性,但他看待自身的小儿子却异常和缓。The suspect is a Spmethodson dog but he is surprisingly gentle to his little son.

那是圣安托万区的杰克三号,一个嗜杀成性、食人生番式的、满怀血腥的陪审员。A life-thirsting, cannibal looking, bloody-minded juryman, the Jacques Three of St. Antoine.

然后他们闯入亚洲和欧洲,或许在那里重演一番他们嗜杀成性的把戏。Then they broke free into Asia and Europe, perhaps in their bloodthirsty way to do the same thing there.

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哥特部以野蛮、凶狠、嗜杀成性而著称,与欧洲黑暗的中世纪有很多相似之处。The Goth tribe was famous for its barbarousness, fierceness and sanguinariness, which was quite similar to the darkness European Middle Age.

虽然他们曾经被误解为嗜杀成性的侵略者,但是现在他们的悠久和传统的历史已经得到了重新的认识。Though they were once misunderstood as simple, bloodthirsty invaders, the long and noble history of these proud people is now rightly acknowledged.

那杀人犯在过去三年内竟杀了九个人!昨天法官斥责他“嗜杀成性”,判他终身监禁。The murderer has killed nine people during the last three years! The judge described him as a Sparton dog and sentenced him to life imprisonment yesterday.

这个人权知识讲习班是当局实行新举措的一部分,当局希望以此来遏制住警员们嗜杀成性的势头,这些警员每年都会开枪打死900人之多,其中绝大部分都是穷苦的年轻人。This human rights training workshop is part of a new effort by the authorities to rein in trigger-happy officers who gun down an estimated 900 people every year, the vast majority poor young men.