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请给我三包碎猪肉。Three pork chops, please.

茱莉买了牛奶和三包调理汤包。Julie bought milk and three packets of soup mix.

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使用5W2H清楚地描述客户生产线退回问题和三包问题。Use 5W2H to clear describe CLR and Warranty problem.

实行一年三包、终身技术服务。Three packs of one year, life-long technical services.

育空健身卡里布第三包带电缆附件交叉免费送货!Yukon Fitness Caribou III with a Cable Accessories Cross Free Shipping!

最后,提供优质服务,即三包政策。Finally, the provision of quality services, that is, three packs of policy.

他变得非常沉迷,每天要抽三包万宝路。He became so addicted that he would smoke up to three packs of Marlboros a day.

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凯文返回商店买了三包美国松仁。Kevin returns to the store and buys three packages of American-grown pine nuts.

产品认证齐全,安全可靠,质量三包。Product certification is complete, safe and reliable, the quality of three bags.

未免去您的后顾之忧,公司对产品实行三包,代培操作人员。It is to your worries, the company on products Three Guarantees, Daipei operators.

我厂生产的A型折叠式自行车一律按国家规定实行三包政策。I plant the type A foldable bicycles will be implemented by the state wrapped policy.

不。我不认为一星期吸三包20支装的香烟算厉害。一天连10支都不到。No. I wouldn't call three packets of 20 a week heavy smoking. That's not even 10 a day.

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他每天要抽掉三包烟,喜欢吃汉堡,经常夜以继日的工作。He smoked three packs a day, subsisted on hamburgers, and often worked around the clock.

所售产品均提供18个月的三包期,终身跟踪服务。Products are sold to provide the 18-month period of three bags, life-long follow-up service.

质保期内免费维修,实行国家三包政策。The warranty period for free repair, the implementation of national Three Guarantees policy.

产品实行三包,终身服务,并长期提供各种配件和维修服务。Three bags of products, life-long services, and provide long-term parts and repair services.

我每天抽三包烟,每周喝一箱威士忌,吃高脂肪食品,而且从来不运动。I smoke three packs a day, drink a case of whiskey a week, eat fatty foods and never exercise.

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我公司产品如有质量问题,一年内实行三包。It can be repaired, exchanged and returned repaired in a year if the product with quality problems.

“你幸福而长寿的秘密是什么?”“我每天抽三包烟,每周喝一箱威士忌,吃高脂肪食品,而且从来不曾锻炼。”I smoke three packs a day, drink a case of whiskey a week, eat fatty foods and never, ever exercise.

价格合理,免费培训,负责调试安装,提供技术资料,实行三包。Reasonably priced, free training for debugging installation, providing technical information, a Sanbao.