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说得对,这个真好玩儿。Yes, this is really fun.

谁邀请邦尼一起玩儿?Who asked Boonie to play?

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有的时候,我很喜欢玩儿那个。I like to do that sometimes.

我明天还想玩儿这个游戏。I want to play it tommorrow.

但是我们真的想玩儿么?But do we really want to play?

我们在马霍卡玩儿得真痛快。We had a great time in Majorca.

你也要来玩儿么?很好玩的哟!You wanna play too? Itll be fun!

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男人就是船儿,划来玩玩儿。Man is the twain, draw play play.

嘿,你玩儿过弹子球吗?Hey ! Have you ever played marbles?

我正在学做饭,做着玩儿而已。I'm learning to cook, just for fun.

那是一些孩子在闹着玩儿。It's just some kids horsing around.

可是他们今天没有在一起玩儿。Today, however, they were not playing.

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你能过来我家和我的狗狗玩儿吗?Can you come over and play with my dog?

本来多平静的一天,大家在海边玩儿,可是全毁了。So much for a peaceful day at the beach.

我正在学做饭,做着玩儿而已。I'm learning to cook, just for fun of it.

别介意卢多,他在玩儿捉迷藏呢。Don't mind Ludo, he's playing hard to get.

孩子们,好好玩儿。走吧,别浪费时间了。Kids, have a good time. Go on, skedaddle !

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他们希望乔布斯跟他们说“玩儿蛋去吧”。They want Steve to tell them to “F—k off.”

我今晚玩儿得开心极了,斯内普教授。I had a very good evening, Professor Snape.

别想了,快过来和我们一起玩儿吧!Don't think of it now, come and play with us!