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你为我感到难堪吗?Are you embarrassed for me?

他成心让我难堪。He purposely embarrassed me.

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那有一点令人难堪。That is a little embarrassing.

会陷你于更难堪的痛苦。Would scourge thee to severer pangs.

失败感令他难堪。He was oppressed by a sense of failure.

她的话羞得他十分难堪。Her remarks made him writhe with shame.

她的拒绝使他难堪和丢脸。Her rejection dashed and humiliated him.

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整个晚上我都难堪极了。I embarrassed myself the entire evening.

这就是失态环节,让人难堪。That's the blunder. That's the pratfall.

倾向于感到难堪、羞耻。Tends to feel ashamed or embarrassed. 086.

你难堪是因为我不够谦虚吗?Are you embarrassed because I’m not modest?

他企图回避这令人难堪的问题。He tried to evade the embarrassing question.

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被人如此的嘲讪,他感到非常难堪。He was embarrassed to be ridiculed in this way.

她丈夫醉后的举止使她难堪。Her husband's drunken behavior embarrassed her.

难堪正是垮掉的一代所重视的东西。Embarrassment is something that the Beats value.

这就像让一位美食家承认他喜欢吃快餐店里的老什子炸鸡一样难堪。It is like a gourmand confessing he loves McNuggets.

他正遭受一系列令他难堪的冷遇。He is being hit by a serious of embarrassing rebuffs.

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威尔也想照着做,但觉得太难堪了。Will wanted to do likewise, but felt too discomfited.

对她的人格产生了一种令人难堪的猜度。A very painful surmise arose concerning her character.

萨丽在减肥治疗所干了一件很难堪的事。Sally did something very embarrassing at the fat farm.