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她吹火助燃。She blows the fire.


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它正在把贸易触手延及非洲,乃至拉美。为了给增长中的经济助燃,它正在世界各个角落竭尽所能的攫取石油。It is sopping up oil wherever in the world it finds it to fuel its booming economy.

植物在进化中变得能助燃的最佳证据来自松树。The best evidence that some plants may have evolved to promote fire comes from pines.

问题在于,证明某项特性因其助燃而进化产生很困难。The problem is, showing that a trait has evolved because it enhances fire is difficult.

其中,醋酸钙镁的助燃效果最好。Calcium magnesium acetate was the best additive as for the combustion-supporting character.

燃料和助燃风用手动启动,操作点的参数值逐点保存。Fuel and air are manually started up and the parameters saved by the operator, point for point.

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这被他称为“又一个重量级媒体继续为MySpace引擎增长助燃的例子。He calls it "just another example of how Big Media continues to feed the MySpace growth engine.

消烟助燃效应的实验测试十分复杂,包括消烟助燃剂效果的评定和作用机理的考察。Evaluation and examination technique for soot suppressing and combustion improving effect is very complex.

吹风,送风从出口,尤其是从助燃鼓风炉的出口出来的空气,其他气体或蒸汽气流。A forcible stream of air, gas, or steam from an opening, especially one in a blast furnace to aid combustion.

自动点火,风机助燃,升温快,温度高,火焰大小可自动调整。Automatic ignition and combustion, fan, high temperature, warming faster size can automatically adjust the flame.

尽管这助燃了新的经济发动机如服务业和工业,但它也减少了种植粮食所需的资源。While this fuels new economic engines such as services and industry, it also undercuts resources needed to grow food.

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特雷西·麦克维加入在雷克雅未克进行报道的新闻大部队,认识到为什么国家信用推波助燃的繁荣是有代价的。Tracy McVeigh joins the press hordes in Reykjavik and learns how one nation's credit-fuelled boom has come at a price.

福特的帝国工厂如此巨大,以至于需要全美国的人口作为工厂来为工厂助燃。Ford dreamed of a corporate empire so large that it would require the population of an entire American state to fuel it.

紧随这场灾难而来的由台风助燃的风暴性大火肆虐,导致这座城市大部分建筑的毁灭。Much of the damage to the city's structures resultedfrom typhoon-fueled firestorms that raged in the wake of the disaster.

利用高炉大中修的机会,改进热风炉结构,采用高温内燃式或顶燃式,改善耐火砖的材质,提高煤气热值和预热助燃空气。It is necessary to improve the mixing, blending and the screening of the raw materials, to make use of high basicity sinters.

是含有纤维状的生物质,干式冷态成型煤。生物质不仅起到粘结作用,而且有助燃作用。It contains fibrous biomass, dry coal into a cold. Biomass not only play a role in bonding, but also in combustion-supporting.

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有额外的助燃空气最小的形成未燃尽的碳氢化合物,一氧化碳和氮氧化物的排放量。Having extra air for combustion minimized the formation of unburned hydrocarbon, carbon-monoxide, and nitrous -oxide emissions.

膜法富氧助燃技术能用于各种燃料和大多数工业锅炉。Membrane technology for oxygen-enriched combustion-assistance can be used in multifarious fuels and various industrial boilers.

计算结果表明,助燃空气预热时更能节约重油。The calculating results show that reducing trend of heavy oil flux is more obvious when combustion-supporting air is warmed up.