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全员品管,创山山产品无不良。IV. Full quality control, a hill no bad products.

它具有支持性、动态性和全员性的特征。It has the supportive, dynamic and overall characteristics.

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兔八哥系列全员都将出现在这个全新的动画冒险旅程中。The full series of Bugs Bunny will appear in the new animated adventure.

我们可向你保证,我们全员都在尽可能以最短的时间恢复网络”。We can assure you that all-hands are on deck to recover as quickly as possible.

并验证了这些能力要素最终对全员创新的绩效具有正影响。We testify that these capability elements have positive impact on AII performance.

发射小组已经在上周六进行了一次全员参加的发射倒计时演练。The full launch team spent Saturday running through a complete countdown rehearsal.

全员职工签定劳动合同,遵照劳动法的规定,为职工办理五险待遇。We sign Labor Contracts with all staff and deal with 5 insurances according to the Labor Law.

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我们举行了全员大会,最先问到的问题就包括“我们凭什么相信你?”We had a town hall meeting, and one of the first questions I got was, "Why should we trust you?"

企业可以实行合同化管理或者全员劳动合同制。An Enterprise can implement the contract management or the labor contract system to all the staff.

制定全员培训计划,并根据记录的学习情况定期更新。Institute an all-employee training program with periodic updates based upon documented lessons learned.

推进人事制度改革,实行全员聘用制,竞争上岗。Seventh, consider revising to reform the personnel system, a system of full employment, through competition.

评价的过程性和全员参与性不强,学生欠缺正确的自我评价能力。The evaluation of process and participation is not strong, and the students lack the self-evaluation abilities.

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五是建立“全员式”队伍体系,形成优势互补的思想政治教育工作队伍合力。Fifthly, the establishment of "full-type" team system, forms of ranks of ideological and political education work.

“质量是企业的生命”在腾森不再只是一句口号,而是已经成为公司全员的一致行动。"Quality is the root of an enterprise" is not just a slogan in Tiumsun, but what all the Tiumsuns are striving for.

因此,发挥全员的智慧,下工夫使大家'都能用、都好用'是实施目视管理的重要之所在。Therefore, to play full of wisdom, do so that we can use, ' good ' is to carry out the importance of visual management.

要取得精益结果,比如减少换线时间,提高整体设备效率,全员参与专门的所需方法。Achieving lean outcomes such as reducing set up time, increasing OEE, and engaging people required specialised approaches.

产品销售率、全员劳动生产率等各项指标均居行业前列。The product sale rate, whole member labors rate of productionetc. various index signs to all reside the ex-row in profession.

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大学生就业指导应该是一个“全程化、全员化、专业化、信息化”标准的毕业生就业指导服务体系。We think university students career guidance should be a standard graduates career guidance service system in the whole journey.

加强就业指导,树立全程指导就业和全员参与就业意识。Strengthen the employment guidance, set up the employment consciousness of the whole cause guidance and the everyone participation.

企业管理创新具有系统性、社会性、全员性、变革性的特点。Enterprise managerial innovation has the systematicness , social nature , the entire personnel , the characteristic reforming nature.