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她勉强获准留在这里。I'm here on sufferance.

他的托福考试勉强通过了。His TOEFL has squeezed in.

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“没有,”我说,勉强笑一笑。No,' I said, half smiling.

她勉强获准留在这里。She is here on sufferance.

不要勉强地让她处于上位。Don’t just throw her on top.

我勉强喝下一杯茶。I worried down a cup of tea.

“是的”我勉强的承认。“Yes, ” I admit reluctantly.

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然后勉强给她挤出一点微笑。Then I grudged a smile to her.

过了一会儿,她勉强做了一个笑脸。In a while she managed a smile.

她勉强地举起手来。She upheld her hand reluctantly.

她说这些话很勉强。She's speaking reluctantly here.

不能帮的,别勉强自己。Can't help, don't force yourself.

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哈拉比勉强拼凑了一场庆祝会。Halaby hoked up a special ceremony.

他勉强通过了上次考试。He skinned through last examination.

吃到八分饱后绝不勉强再吃。Not eat after eight full barely eat.

我勉强在喘息之间挤出一声笑。I manage a giggle in between wheezes.

勉强算是一星级的吧。It was a one-star seat on a good day.

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他勉强钻过狭窄的开口处。He scraped through the narrow opening.

她勉强吃了一碗米饭。She choked down a bowl of cooked rice.

她勉强承认了错误。She grudgingly admitted she was wrong.