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这就是为什么他不能带上贝拉一起去狩猎远足的因由。Thvia's why Bella can'tgo on a hunting trip with him.

警惕没有任何因由的极简美学主义决定。Be wary of minimalism as an aesthetic decision without cause.

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一旦你了解了其中因由,你就揭开了男性行为的神秘面纱。Understand that, and you unlock the mystery of male behaviour.

学习语言的动机由成功的结果所驱使,其本身也是因由。Motivation to learn the language may be as much as a result of success as a cause.

你可以通过比较方法A和方法B来查找因由。You can illustrate the two ways of tackling the issue through method A and method B.

说国会正在考虑拟议的联邦诉讼因由诽谤在互联网上。Say Congress is considering a proposed federal cause of action for libel on the Internet.

这一税种因由20世纪英国经济学家亚瑟庇古提出而被称为“庇古税”。Such taxes are known as " Pigouvian" after Arthur Pigou, a 20th-century English economist.

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对于许多人来说,拥有一位“理想伴侣”的念头正是他们为之不停寻觅因由所在。For many people, this idea that they have one “ideal mate” is a concept they struggle with.

传统的为爱而结婚的观点已经全部的变化为其它因由。The traditional views about getting married for love have all now changed for other reasons.

主耶和华说,我指着我的永生起誓,你们在以色列中,必不再有用这俗语的因由。As I live, saith the Lord GOD, ye shall not have occasion any more to use this proverb in Israel.

主那和华说,我指着我的永生起誓,你们在以色列中必不再有用这俗语的因由。As I live, saith the Lord God, ye shall not have occasion any more to use this proverb in Israel.

例?末了!但并非最不紧要!教育上的缺失是滋长青少年不法的因由。Lt but rather no let! the shortcoming in educ is the cause contribut rathering to juvenile delinquency.

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买置者战销售者都应当去意技术的新发展,因由很繁单,由于技术可以并且已经影响着营销死动。Buyers and sellers should word of new developments in technology can will not affect marketing activities.

敬拜神本是兄弟二人同心去作的事,但这件事竟成为他们比试高下和嫉妒的因由。What should have brought two brothers together-their worship of God-became a setting for comparison and jealousy.

订户或中大任何一方可不论因由随时终止本协议。Either Subscriber or CUHK may terminate this Agreement with or without cause at any time and effective immediately.

由于涉及个人隐私,医生拒绝确定或提供任何有关病人的细节或她受伤的因由。Citing privacy, doctors refused to identify or provide any details about the recipient or how and when she was injured.

并且要以我主长久忍耐为得救的因由,就如我们所亲爱的兄弟保罗,照着所赐给他的智慧,写了信给你们。So also our brother Paul wrote to you according to the wisdom given him speaking of this as he does in all his letters.

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伯林斯基在他的书里面用到了这个论据,柯林斯把这归于他从无神论者转变为新教会的基督徒的因由。Berlinski uses the argument in his book, and Collins credits it with turning him from atheism to evangelical Christianity.

中医自然疗法医疗调理,所有慢性病与病症,归因由淤堵引起。In the Chinese Naturopathic medicine medical conditioning, all the chronic diseases and disorders caused due to the clogging.

香港也因由大陆一部分领土和一些岛屿构成而著名——香港岛是其中之一。Hong Kong is also famously made up of a section of the mainland and a collection of islands – Hong Kong Island being just one of them.