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再见了,月球!Bye bye Moon!

月球上真有生命吗?Life on the Moon?

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而月球则是蓝色的。And the moon is blue.

我们正在环绕月球运行。We are orbiting the moon.

但是,为什么要重返月球?But why return to the Moon?

如果我是一只小鸟,我会飞到月球上去。If I a bird, I to the moon.

月球围绕着地球运转。The moon circles the earth.

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我希望我可以飞到月球上去。I wish I could fly to the moon.

其原因在于月球的重力。The reason lies in its gravity.

太阳和月球的活动可导致地震。The sun and moon cause tremors.

试着联系阿路司月球基地。Try to contact Moon Base Aluce.

那可以从月球上招唤怪物。It calls monsters from the moon.

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你一定在开玩笑,在月球上?You must be kidding,on the moon?

他在1987年创作了“月球漫步1号”。He produced "Moonwalk 1" in 1987.

而橙色的光点——是月球。The orange spot -- it's the Moon.

月球围绕着地球旋转。The moon rotates around the earth.

月球绕地球运行。The moon revolves around the earth.

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月球围绕着地球运转。The moon revolves around the earth.

我们登上了月球,然后就将她弃之不顾。We got to the moon and then punted.

比如,月球上有水冰吗?Like, is there water-ice on the moon?