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脸红一直红到眉梢。A flush mounts to the brow.

当四十个严冬围攻你的眉梢When forty winters shall besiege thy brow

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喜庆笑容挂眉梢。Brow tip celebrating smiling expression hanging.

“看我什么?”她眉梢一仰,问道。"See my what?" she inquired with an arch lift of eyebrow.

幸福生活步步高,华夏儿女喜眉梢。Happy life step by step, the Chinese people like the brow.

萨莫拉先生说,修改相关法律已经“迫在眉梢”。Mr Zamora says that changing the law is a "high priority".

谢刚如是说,眉梢眼角写满了幸福。Thankedjust said that, the brow tip corner of the eye has written all overhappiness.

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笑声一停,他眼角眉梢的笑容也顿时没了。The laughter had disappeared from his face and eyes the moment his laughing voice ceased.

用指尖和双唇去抚摸她的脸庞、发际线、额角、眉梢、眼帘、双颊和口唇。Touch her face, hairline, temples, eyebrows, eyelids, cheeks and mouth with your fingertips and mouth.

再从眉峰处开始,顺着眉毛的生长方向,斜向下画至眉梢,形成下降的弧线。Then draw downward from eyebrow top to ti of eyebrow following growth of eyebrow to form a downward arc.

再从眉峰处开始,顺着眉毛的生长方向,斜向下画至眉梢,形成下降的弧线。Then draw downward from eyebrow top to tip of eyebrow following growth of eyebrow to form a downward arc.

因为茫然是所有下岗人员的真实写照,所以贫困的乌云始终凝聚在他们的眉梢。Because the vacancy is a raw portrayal of them, the dark clouds of poverty gather over their eyebrow all along.

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明朗的颜色映入人们的眼中,又化作了浓浓的笑意挂满眉梢,布满眼底。The color of uncertainty come into people's eyes and the smile turned into a thick cover tip of brow, eye covered.

雷雅7岁,是班里年纪最小的孩子,一头长发如我,小小年纪却在眼角眉梢挂满悲哀。Leiya 7 years old, is the youngest class of children, long hair like me, a very young age, but in eye brow covered with sorrow.

眼角眉梢不过是场误会,让能让两个患难与共的兄弟反目成仇,互相残杀。Corner tip of brow but the market has misunderstood, so let weal and woe of the two brothers against each other, killing each other.

黄昏里,一个喜悦如莲的女子,心情散淡,眼角眉梢间,有情、有义、有爱。In dusk, a woman likes the lotus of a joy, disorderly mood, among the canthus tip of the brow, there are sentiment, justices and love.

虽然不善于掩饰自己的情感,我也不愿把忧愁挂在眉梢,淡然面对得与失,是我的追求!Although not good at hiding his feelings, I didn't want to worry hanging in tip of the brow, indifferent in the face of gain and loss, is my pursuit!

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他皮肤很黑,眉毛本来就浓密,但他又用眉笔将眉梢一直画到头发边上,看起来像“黑眉大侠”。His skin was black, bushy eyebrows originally, but he also use eyebrow pencil will face has been drawn to the hair side, looks like a" black warrior".