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可显然Varga是。Varga clearly is.

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显然有很多。A lot, apparently.

龙的血盆大口分外显眼,显然是一只凶险的野兽。A dangerous beast, this.

所有显然的原因!All the obvious reasons!

这显然是错误的。This is obviously wrong.

哦,显然是巴尼,弗兰克。Oh , Barney Frank easily.

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我显然是错误的.I was apparently mistaken.

显然他已去了。That he's gone is obvious.

热的东西显然会变凉。Hot things cool, obviously.

这显然是一个图像。This is obviously an image.

显然,他冻坏了。Apparently, he is very cold.

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从某种意义来说,显然是的。In one sense, obviously yes.

这显然是顺理成章的。This is undoubtedly logical.

然而这显然不符合事实。But this is obviously not so.

显然蜂蜜被盗激怒了他们,于是他们就展开了报复行动。Enraged, they had retaliated.

它显然是有后劲的。It clearly has staying power.

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这显然是不够的。This is obviously inadequate.

很显然,她就是一种小型猴类。she's clearly a small monkey.

在这里看来显然电子乐很流行。Apparently electronica is hot.