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也许这就是因果报应。Maybe it was karma.

这只是因果报应。It’s just bad karma.

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佛教徒称之为因果报应。The Buddhists call this Karma.

有人称之为"上帝",其他人称之为"因果报应"。What some call God, others call Karma.

哇啊哇。他的因果报应以及天条啊。狠狠地!Wow. His karma ran over his dogma. Big time!

显然,有很多人相信因果报应。Apparently, many people now believe in Karma.

当一只鲨鱼掠取一只鱼时是因果报应吗?Does karma factor in when a shark snatches up a fish?

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因果报应会使你对做事的后果有所警觉。It may serve you, however, to be aware of consequences.

佛说因果报应丝毫不爽。The Buddha has always warned us against karmic retribution.

自然界中没有奖赏和惩罚,只有因果报应。There is no prise or punishment in nature, only comeuppance.

不知道因果报应,六道轮回的人类,什么事情都做得出来。Don't know karma, six transformations of human, something out.

但是,在我看来伊斯兰教就是建立在某种因果报应之上。However, I think that Islam itself is based on a form of karma.

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你们看因果报应何等不爽。This is an example of karmic retribution and how inescapable it is.

正如基督徒一样,穆斯林也极度反对因果报应的说法。Muslims, just like Christians are zealously opposed to the concept of karma.

因果报应是中国古代小说、戏曲的一个母题。Yinguo Baoying" is a customary content in Chinese novels and traditional operas."

因果报应观念贯穿了整个初传汉译佛经叙事。Ideal of karma runs through the whole early Chinese translation of Buddhist sutra.

因果报应是说有因必有果,也就是说,我们的一切行为都有结果。Karma is the law that every cause has an effect, i. e. , our actions have results.

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他们不附上因果报应的果实,而只是成佛的一个台阶。They are not attached to the fruits of karma, and are but one step from Buddhahood.

至于那些不明所以的人,因果报应就是主宰道德因果关系的规律。For those who wonder what I have been raving about, karma is the law of moral causation.

宗教的精髓,就是生命轮回、因果报应、灵魂不死。The essence of religion is life transmigration, retributive justice and undying of soul.