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在这出戏里他既扮演雇农又扮演矿工。He doubles the parts of a farmhand and a miner.

那地主迫使雇农们累死累活地干。The landlord almost worked the farmhands to death.

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您这个引起相关的雇农的地图。You've associated this trigger with the Peon on your map.

他不过是个普通的雇农,但他的品格使他当上了负责人。He had been a simple farmer, but his character made him a leader.

在容克庄园中,雇农仍然处于半农奴的地位。In the manor of Junker, the farmers were still in semi-serf status.

贫农、雇农以及想出去见世面的青年踊跃要求参军。Pauperized tenants, landless peasants, adventure-seeking boys flocked to join him.

中国农民包括小农、大农、雇农三大类。The Chinese peasants include small-scale peasants, big-scale peasants and farm labourers.

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这位老翁是哈雅纳邦的一名雇农,这是他的第一个孩子。The elderly man, a landless farmer in Haryana state, is a proud father of his first child.

此等雇农不仅无土地,无农具,又无丝毫资金,只得营工度日。Having neither land, farm implements nor funds, they can live only by selling their labour power.

博茨瓦纳共和国杭济附近的妇女雇农依旧进入灌木丛闲聊和吃些野生植物小吃。Women farmworkers near Ghanzi, Botswana, still go into the bush to gossip and snack on wild plants.

在多方面的压力之下,这个雇农终于承认了他同地主的闺女睡过觉。Pressed on all sides, the tenant finally admitted that he was sleeping with the landlord's daughter.

用更现代点的观点来解读,他们更像是雇农If you want to really understand this in a practical sense, it's more as though these guys are hired hands.

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这个雇农听进了她的话,渐渐地对农民运动不感兴趣了。This seemed like a good suggestion to the tenant and gradually he lost his interest in the peasant movement.

佃农为减轻地租而斗争,雇农的斗争则是为了改善劳动条件。The tenant struggled for the alleviation of conditions of rent, the worker for improvement of conditions of labor.

有许多死于饥饿的雇农的亲属在村口等着他,他一到就被抓住痛打了一顿。Relatives of the tenants who had starved to death met the landlord at the entrance to the village and beat him severely.

中国的富农大多有一部分土地出租,又放高利贷,对于雇农的剥削也很残酷,带有半封建性。Most of the rich peasants in china are semi-feudal in character since they let a part of their land practise usury and ruthlessly exploit the farm labourers.

黑人权利丧失后,沦为分成制雇农也严重阻碍了南方经济的发展。At the meantime, the black people's social status as share-croppers, after the loss of their civil rights, badly blocked the development of the southern economy.

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通过这个家族他控制着七百个佃农、三十个奴婢、二百个雇农和七个奶妈,这些奶妈用自己的奶汁喂养他的众多子孙。Through this family, he controlled seven hundred tenant farmers, thirty slave girls, two hundred squatters and seven wet nurses who breast-fed his numerous brood.

此外,长工、雇农反对地主、富农的斗争,也是这一时期农民运动的重要组成部分。A smaller, but still important place was occupied by the struggle of "long-term" workers which brought them into opposition, not only to the landlords but to the rich peasants.

面对着日益高涨的农民运动的浪潮,他感到束手无策,于是逼着闺女去勾引一个农民运动中的雇农骨干分子。Finding himself helpless in the face of the swelling peasant movement, he ordered his daughter to play up to one of his tenants who was taking a prominent part in the movement.