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我迫不及待地想看看呢。I can't wait to see it.

他们迫不及待地要马上出发。They were champing to start.

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我们全已迫不及待。We can hardly wait, you know.

我迫不及待地想要再次见到你。I can't wait to see you again.

你迫不及待想送出的礼物。For gifts you can't wait to give.

我迫不及待地打开信封。I brooked no delay in opening it.

我迫不及待想朝拜上帝。I can’t wait to worship the Lord!

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之后,我迫不及待地想要再见到他。I couldn’t wait to see him again.

我想大家都迫不及待了We looked at them already I guess.

“我已经迫不及待了,”考迪如是说。"I can't wait for it, " said Coady.

1994年,研究小组迫不及待的又返回了阿莱米斯地区。In 1994 the team was eager to return.

弗雷德里克迫不及待的第一个呈上他的礼物——金盾。First, Frederick presented the shield.

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我迫不及待地要试试我的新滑行车。I couldn't wait to try my new scooter.

让我感到惊奇的是,他迫不及待地接受了该项提议。To my surprise,he jumped at the offer.

我迫不及待地想看到雨血2的发布!I cant wait until Rainblood 2 comes out.

现在他们又迫不及待,想赶快完成上市。Now, they are in a hurry to get it done.

我迫不及待地想尝尝这可口的鲜汤。I can't wait to taste the delicious soup.

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有时我甚至难以成眠,迫不及待地想起床去工作。I want to wake up so badly and go to work.

我们已经迫不及待地要到达笔架山了。We can't wait to get to the Bijia Mountain.

我都迫不及待地域下一届在尝试了。I can't wait for next year's class to do it.