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开马口铁罐头的器具。An appliance for opening tin cans.

而且他用塑料替代了原先的马口铁。And instead of tin, he went with plastic.

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马口铁罐头掉在地板上摔瘪了。The tin case dented when it was dropped on the floor.

我公司专业从事马口铁包装产品。My company specialized in tinplate packaging products.

一个马口铁牌子钉在附近的树上,写着“美国林务局”。A tin marker nailed to a nearby tree said U.S. FOREST SERVICE.

之所以现在用塑料制作嗡嗡祖拉,是因为马口铁版本是禁止带入的足球场的。this occured because the tin vuvuzela was banned from football stadiums.

本公司长期库存各种规格马口铁,。The company's long-term inventory of various specifications of tinplate ,.

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嗡嗡祖拉现在是用塑料制成的,但是最开始它是用马口铁打造的。The vuvuzela, which is now made solely of plastic, used to be made out of tin.

护林员的一条腿,紧接着另一条腿压塌了生锈的马口铁井盖,掉了下去。The ranger didn't fall until one foot, then the other went through the rotten tin.

收藏家莫里斯.帕克在2009年买到这个电影胶片因为他喜欢这种马口铁皮罐的外表。Collector Morace Park bought the film reel in 2009 because he liked the look of the tin.

别讲英语。她对那个操着那种听起来像马口铁的语言在唱歌的孩子说。No speak English, she says to the child who is singing in the language that sounds like tin.

根据电解剥离原理,研制出马口铁镀锡量自动测量仪。The instrument for automatically determinig tin coating weight of tinplate hasbeen developed.

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产品广泛被用于各种金属、铝板、马口铁、铬铁、铝片等材质产品上的工艺印刷。It is widely used in printing of metal parts like AL sheets, tinplate, chrome iron, AL plates.

材料可选用铜、铁、锌合金、马口铁、铅锡合金等材料。The material may select materials and so on copper, iron, zinc base alloy, tinplate, terne metal.

月饼通常是四个入盒,或是装在有中国传统特色的马口铁罐子里。They usually come in a box of four and are packaged in tin boxes with traditional Chinese motifs.

求购各种型号马口铁错印铁。请能提供该产品的商家与我们联系。I am looking for tinplate misprint assorted size. If you have supply in you stock please let know.

新鲜面包可贮存在马口铁罐中,确保灰尘和昆虫无法进入。Fresh bread can be kept in a clean tin container. Be sure dust and insects cannot get to the bread.

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本公司长期库存各种规格马口铁,在业界有良好的声誉和形象。The company's long-term stock all kinds of tinplate in the industry have a good reputation and image.

天气炎热时,空气中的湿度太高,马口铁罐不能封得太紧密。In hot weather when there is high humidity in the air, the tin container should not be closed too tightly.

缩颈翻边组合机是对马口铁空罐罐身的一端或两端进行缩颈与翻边的一种组合设备。The novel necking and curling combination machine is a kind of combination equipment for can_body forming.