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李导游对此倒是一副外交辞令。Li was diplomatic.

你需要一位导游吗?Do you need a guide?

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我是中青旅的导游。I'm the guide from CYTS.

我可以在那边雇到导游?Where can I hire a guide?

好,那我来当你的导游吧。Ok, I will be your guider.

我问导游穆罕穆德。I asked Mahmoud, our guide.

我就是乐先生,你们的导游。I am Mr Le. Your tour guide.

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让我作一次配导游的游泳吧。Let 's go on a conduct tour.

我是导游,叫尚华。I'm Shanghua, the tour guide.

可爱的导游,全听你的!Could you be my guide tomorrow?

我是你们的导游兼翻译。I am your guide and translator.

我每年夏天都做导游工作。I'm a tourist conductor summers.

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出国我想要一位会日语的导游。I want a Japanese-speaking guide.

四人小组上台介绍图片,评出导游小组。It's time to choose guide groups.

嘿,李梅,我们需要一个导游。Hey, Li Mei, we need a tour guide.

我想请一位说汉语的导游。I'd like a Chiness-speaking guide.

导游示意我们跟着她。The guide becked us to follow her.

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我需要一个会说德语的导游。I need a guide who can speak Geman.

导游带我们进山了。The guide led us into that mountain.

我没有给那个导游优厚的小费。I didn't give the dragoman a fat tip.