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终审判决——多数原则The Final Decision —— The Majority Rules

法官把终审推迟了20天。The judge waived the final decision for 20 days.

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堪萨斯法院的判决为终审判决。In the end, the Kansas Supreme Court ruling stands.

两审终审的审级制度。The system of judgment of the second instance as final.

最高法院的这一判决为终审判决。The decision of the Supreme Court shall not be appealed against.

仲裁将在香港开庭。审判结果为终审判决,约束诉讼双方。Any arbitral award is shall be final and binding upon both parties.

在终审判决前,他还有两次机会进行上诉。There are two chances to appeal before the sentence would become final.

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中国会在终审以后两周内处死死刑犯。China executes the death row inmates within two weeks after final verdict.

每个州都有终审法院,它通常被称为州高级法院。Every state has a court of last resort, usually called the state supreme court.

终审法院在过去12年一直运作畅顺。Over the last 12 years, the Court of Final Appeal has been functioning smoothly.

仲裁法庭所做出的判决都是终审判决,对仲裁双方都是有约束力的。The award made by the Arbitration Tribunal is final and binding on both parties.

矛盾的是,如果宪法法院推迟做出终审判决,这起丑闻可能反而对民主党有利。Paradoxically, the scandal may yet help the Democrats if it delays a final verdict.

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根据以上章节所述内容,本章第一节阐述了构建有限三审终审制的具体设想。Section 1 states the concrete proposal of building the third instance as the final.

终审法院在十二月做出另一项裁决,确定人大常委会所作解释有效并具约束力,香港法院必须遵循。NPCSC is valid and binding and the courts of Hong Kong are under a duty to follow it.

本周,一名法官定下了最新的终审日期——10月18号。This week, a judge set a new and theoretically final date for Khadr's trial, Oct. 18.

一些案件的初审可能会在联邦法院,它们同时也可以在联邦级法院进行终审。Some cases may begin in federal courts at the start3 , and these can also end up here.

整体而言,我国宜建立一套以两审终审为主体,一审终审和三审终审为补充的审级制度。General speaking, we should establish a set of perfect trial level system in our country.

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第二审人民法院的判决、裁定,是终审的判决、裁定。The judgment and the written order of a people's court of second instance shall be final.

他的第一个ASP铁杆抓获三名世界决赛中击败终审法院首席法官霍布古德年巡回赛冠军。Irons captured his first ASP World Tour victory in three years defeating CJ Hobgood in the final.

澳门特别行政区终审权属于澳门特别行政区终审法院。Article82 The courts of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall exercise the judicial power.