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欢迎您,A-Welcome!,很荣幸参加这个节目!B-It's a pleasure!

我感到非常荣幸。I felt very honored.

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这真是太荣幸了。It's been a real pleasure.

很荣幸认识你,索顿先生。A pleasure to meet you , Mr.

雷德蒙先生,见到您很荣幸。Charmed to see you, Mr. Redond.

能认识你真是荣幸之至。It was a privilege to know you.

作为你的客人我很荣幸。I feel honored to be your guest.

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随时欢迎,艾米。这是我们的荣幸。Any time, Amy. It's our pleasure.

你光临本店我们不胜荣幸。We're very glad to have you here.

很荣幸认识你,布鲁斯先生。A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Bruse.

男傧相准备好让父亲感到荣幸了吗?Best man ready to do his dad proud?

恐怕我不能有那个荣幸了。I fear I shall not have that honor.

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与您谈话真是荣幸之至。It's a real honor to talk with you.

我可以荣幸邀请您吗?夫人?Will you do me the honour, signora?

有荣幸可以跟你跳这支舞吗?。Would you honor me with this dance?

如果你能来,我们将倍感荣幸。We'd be delighted if you could come.

能听到你吟诵会是我们的荣幸。We will be very lucky to have it here.

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你好。玛戈特。这都是我的荣幸。Hello, Margot. The pleasure's all mine.

你的到来是我的荣幸。It was my pleasure haudio-videoing you.

哦!那是我的荣幸!你看起来真酷!Oh! that's my pleasure! You are so cool!