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我实在是太高兴了!I was so happy!

这鬼天气实在是太热了。It’s too darn hot.

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我只是实在憋不住了,想撒泡尿。I simply had to pee.

砚峰山人实在是了不起啊!The style is the man!

是啊,雨势实在很大。Yeah, it rains a lot.

“实在太忙了,”他说。“Too busy, ” he said.

他实在是太兴奋了。He is just so excited.

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他实在太顽固了!He is really stubborn!

我实在很不愿意看你难过。I hate to see you sad.

我实在太累了。I'm really fagged out.

这实在是太过分了。It really is too much.

工作做得很实在。The work is well-done.

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实在太美味了,简直难以置信。It tastes unbelievable.

我实在是很想用的东西。And this makes no sense.

社会进化有时实在是太快了。Evolution is over-rated.

他那样子实在是让我发憷。He looks horrible to me.

这里实在是美妙绝伦!It is so beautiful here!

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这场冰上演出实在不怎么样。This show on ice stinks.

实在咱们不须要慌。We needn't have worried.

你对我实在太好了。You are too good for me.