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协助王金玉副市长分管经济工作。Assist the vice mayor Wang Jinyu in economic works.

协助分管市发展和改革委员会。Assist in charge of Development and Reform Commission.

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史密斯大夫受命分管这个部门。Dr. Smith is assigned to take charge of the department.

深沪镇分管企业办负责人表示。Shenhu town in charge of Enterprise Office official said.

在那里我是分管人事工作的,点与我将里工作一样。I deal with people there, the same as what I would do here.

协助市长分管红谷滩新区方面的工作,并具体负责日常工作。to assist the mayor in charge of New Honggutan Zone and the daily work.

你在分管钢铁和通信的国企担当主管人员。You serve as an executive at state-owned enterprises in steel and communications.

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当我25岁的时候,我成为了区域经理,在萨克福县分管35家商店。By the time I was 25, I was a district manager, running 35 stores in Suffolk County.

不同眼部问题的形成原因,然后采取“分管修复”理论,一药同治。The different eye problems, causes, and take" in charge of repair " theory, a method.

在李博士执政期间,他开始时担任分管传染病的助理总干事。Under dr lee he initially served as assistant director-general communicable diseases.

“我的电话都快被打爆了,”永利度假村分管公关和广告的副总裁詹邓恩说。“My phone was blowing up, ” Wynn Vice President of PR and Advertising Jenn Dunne says.

但在李长春——国家分管宣传的领导——访问后,一切都改变了。But after a visit from Li Changchun, the nation’s propaganda chief, everything changed.

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分管市文化出版局、体育局、人口委。In charge of the Culture and Publishing Bureau, Sports Bureau, the population committee.

倪玲妹今年50岁,湖州当地人,分管科技、教育、卫生和人口等工作。Ni, 50, a native of Huzhou, is in charge of education, health and family planning affairs.

分管呈贡新区管委会,昆明新都投资有限公司。In charge of Chenggong New Area Administrative Committee, Kunming Xindu Investment Co. , Ltd.

有些人利用存在的不足的三峡大坝责备某个分管领导的事情。Some guys take advantage of the shortcomings of the Three Gorge Dam to reproach certain leaders.

副总理、国务委员按分工负责处理分管工作。The vice premiers and the state councilors shall be responsible for handling their respective work.

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在目前半自治的南部苏丹,唐是分管野生动物的副部长,总部设在省会城市朱巴。Tong is the undersecretary for wildlife in semi-autonomous southern Sudan, based in Juba, the capital.

深沪镇分管企业办的领导及英林镇企业办负责人均表示。Shenhu town leaders in charge of enterprise and their English town, heads of enterprises have indicated.

与冯健身同志共同分管省交通厅,侧重营运。In charge of the Provincial Department of Communications with Feng Jianshen, mainly responsible for operation.