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光阴再也不会虚度!No more wasted time!

嗯,不会,再也不会这样了。Um, no. Not any more.

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我再也不做噩梦了。My nightmares stopped.

我再也不逃家了。I wasn't outside anymore.

偶再也受不得你啦!I can't take you any more.

她再也回不来了。She never came back again.

这种方法再也行不通了。The way no longer obtains.

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我再也不能做这些了。I couldn’t do that anymore.

她感到再也支持不住了。She felt her mind snapping.

笨笨再也笑不出来。Benben couldn't laugh again.

孩子再也不将父亲眷留!Daughter never call me daddy!

他做什么我再也不管了。I'm past caring what he does.

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我再也不想说什么了,我只想去比赛。Do you want to go out to play?

我再也不做坎普莱特家的人。And I'll no longer be a Capulet.

从那之后,她就再也不这样做了。She stopped doing it after that.

这就是小楠一天的天津之行!再也不去了!I will never go to tianjin again!

她再也迈不动一步了。She couldn't take a step further.

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我还以为再也见不着你了。I never thought I'd see you again.

可怜的老比利·乔再也干不活了。Poor old Billy Joe can't work any.

我再也不沮丧和忧郁了。Adieu to disappointment and spleen.