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喷火器喷出火焰。The flamethrower jetted out flames.

如果你是CEO,你经常会收到类似喷火器那样的东西。A. If you are C.E.O., you get flame-thrower stuff constantly.

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国防军半履带喷火器升级价格从100弹药降低为75弹药。Wehrmacht Flammenwerfer upgrade cost reduced from 100 to 75 munitions.

如果我是男人我是五年前,我会采取喷火器去这个地方!If I were the man I was five years ago, I'd take a flamethrower to this place!

鞑靼人使用了另一种武器,所谓中国龙喷火器。The Tartars employed another weapon, the so-called Chinese dragon belching fire.

这种智力斗争创造出了一个群体个性类型,即,聊天室的喷火器。This mentality has created a whole personality type, that of the chat room Flamer.

采用普通金相法研究了451钛合金轻型喷火器油瓶的显微组织特征。The oil tank of Ti-451 titanium alloy used in lightweight liquid fire gun was studied by means of optical metallography.

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这种该死的动物只能用喷火器杀死,然而它却有个貌似无害的名字,“椰子蟹”,真不知道当时这名字是怎么来的。We like how they chose the innocuous name "coconut crab" to describe something that can only be killed with a flamethrower.

这个喷火器的真实姓名是苏珊•尼珀,她进行了这番申斥之后,就像拔牙似地用力一拧,把女孩子从她的新朋友那里拉开了。With this remonstrance, young Spitfire, whose real name was Susan Nipper, detached the child from her new friend by a wrench as if she were a tooth.

ZOB以及游击队用手枪和自制炸弹,对抗有坦克、喷火器助战的德军,直到弹药耗尽。The ZOB and guerrillas armed with pistols and homemade bombs fought the German troops supported by tanks and flamethrowers till their ammunition ran out.

最后德国人用喷火器来对付这个战术,并且有几次狗疯狂的从战场上跑开也削减了这个项目的威力。The Germans eventually fought this tactic with flamethrowers, and a couple cases of dogs running amok away from battlefields was enough to cut back the program.