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这个问题处理失当。This problem was not properly handled.

“如果处理失当,客户可能会感染,”金斯利说。“If there's a real hash, the client can get infections,” says Kingsley.

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据ABC在线新闻的报道,发言人彼得·刘易斯指出美华特措辞失当。But Speaker Peter Lewis took exception to her language, says ABC News Online.

香港市场失当行为审裁处拒绝就此案的详情进一步置评。The Market Misconduct Tribunal declined further comment on details of the case.

另外,他又指养和医院治疗时疏忽失当。Besides he mentioned that the treatment by HK Sanitarium was negligent and improper.

然而蒋介石在满洲的失败,远不只是一个战略失当问题,还有其更为深刻的根源。The causes of Chiang's defeat in Manchuria, however, went far deeper than any strategy.

停止应当停止与行动未始之前,才不会失当,不会身不由己。Stop should be stopped and action never before, will not be improper, not involuntarily.

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若学生在上课期间行为失当或许是因为他觉得无聊或感到挫折。If a student is misbehaving , it could be because he or she is bored or feels frustrated.

性向进教科书的立法是我们教育系统失当的一个新顶峰。—a curricular emphasis on gay sexuality amounted to a new peak of educational malpractice.

目前我国新闻报道在引语使用方面存在大量失当现象。Currently there exists a great amount of inappropriateness in quotes in Chinese journalism.

这份报告把泥炭地的退化归咎于土地使用失当以及不良的水资源管理。The report blames the degradation on improper land use accompanied by poor water management.

目前我国刑事执行制度存在法律匮乏,执行主体混乱,行刑权配置失当重大问题。There are lack of laws and mixed-up enforcement subjects in the criminal enforcement system.

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他对公司财务状况毫不理会,自以为措施有效,以致失当。His ignorance of the company's financial situation resulted in his failure to take effective.

但是功利主义者所讨论的可能被承认为是非法的失当惩罚。But utilitarians , it may be argued, are also committed to undeserved punishment Which is illegal.

甚至在读到披露中亚协会管理失当的报告之前,我也看不出这种开发模式有何可取之处。Even before the reports of C.A.I.’s mismanagement, I saw little value in this model of development.

但不可否认的是,廖辉英的小说在艺术策略上的确存在失当之处。But it is undeniable that there does exist some inappropriate arrangements in Liao Huiying's novels.

他对公司的财务状况毫不理会,自以为措施有效,以至失当。His ignorance of the company's financial situation resulted in his failure to take effective measure.

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奥巴马总统称亚利桑那州法律是“举措失当的”,并表示国会需要通过移民改革。President Obama calls the Arizona law "misguided" and said Congress needs to pass immigration reform.

格拉夫的冬青佐贺表明海军对她的忽视已久的指挥失当警告标志。The saga of Holly Graf suggests the Navy had long ignored warning signs about her suitability for command.

两汉时期,医书已载录了房事失当损伤身体的主要原因。Reasons for improper sexual behaviors harming bodies were documented in medical books from the Han Dynasty.