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我宁愿吃鲜猪肉,不愿吃腊肉。I prefer fresh pork to bacon.

腊肉挂在露台风干。Waxed meat hanging at the balcony.

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所以我们说,他带回来的腊肉。So we say he brings home the bacon.

一些人甚至说,腊肉比新鲜猪肉吃起来还要美味可口。Some even say preserved pork tastes more delicious than fresh meat.

烧锅加油爆香虾米、冬菇、腊肉等材料,加入调味兜匀盛起。Heat wok and add oil. Fry dried shrimps, mushroom and Chinese sausages.

范的腊肉先出现在很久以前,有关于它的故事。Fan's cured meat appeared In Xian a long time ago, and there Is a story about It.

事实上,他们是煎饼了高品质的小麦面粉塞满了腊肉。In fact they are pancakes made of high-quality wheat flour stuffed with cured meat.

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腊肉卷,鸡肉,黑橄榄,青椒,红椒,洋葱,番茄,橄榄油。Pepperoni, Chicken, Black Oliver, Green Pepper, Red Pepper, Onion, Tomato, Oliver Oil.

份,腊肉肠、蘑菇、莫扎里拉芝士、蒜香奶油酱。Tasty Pepperoni, Fresh Mushrooms, Mozzarella Cheese & Garlic Sauce in a pizza pastry case.

乡亲们做腊肉用的猪,就是被当地称为地油子的土猪。The preserved ham made by the local farmers is from the farm pigs which called "field fat".

我家乡通常都会做一种腊肉,自家烟熏制成的,有时还用来走亲戚做礼品呢。In my hometown, the traditional specialty is smoked pork, even as the gifts to the relatives.

在四川地区,还少不了自家酿制的香肠、腊肉,当然,还有白酒。While is Sichuan, every family has home-made sausage and cured meat as well as Chinese liquor.

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在餐馆里,我先点了不加蛋黄酱及腊肉的火鸡总会三明治。At one restaurant , i found a turkey club sandwich , which i ordered without mayonnaise or bacon.

这家咖啡馆提供塑料桌布、30便士一杯的茶、多汁的腊肉三明治及4台电脑。It offered plastic table coverings, tea at 30p a mug, succulent bacon butties and four computers.

没有什么能够比煮腊肉搭配英国芥末以及热热的奶油卷,更能吸引我的啦。Nothing beats a few slices of boiled bacon, served with English mustard, in a warm buttered roll.

找出了用乳酸链球菌素保藏即食腊肉的最佳工艺条件。Therefore, the optimum processing for preserving convenient bacon with Nisin has been determined.

采用本发明方法使用所述烟熏腊肉调料,使制得的肉品口感及品质更佳。The meat product prepared by the method with the smoked bacon seasoning has better mouth feel and quality.

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最好不要用咸鱼、香肠、腊肉下酒,因为这些食物能与酒精发生反应,诱发癌症。Li suggests people not to eat salted fish, pork or sausage with alcohol because the mix could trigger cancer.

早餐通常是牛奶粥或一杯红汁涂有黄油烤面包,炒腊肉或香肠,鸡蛋。Breakfast is usually porridge milk or a cup of red juice, coated with butter toast, fried bacon or sausage, eggs.

以过氧化值和酸价为指标,研究了TBHQ在广式腊肉中的应用效果。The application of TBHQ on Cantonese cured meat during storage was studied according to peroxide value and acid value.