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我们是战无不胜的。We were invincible.

因此,爱情战无不胜,只战不胜贫穷与牙痛。Love conquers all things except poverty and toothache.

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让我们打消我们是战无不胜的错误念头。Let us disabuse ourselves of the idea that we are invincible.

他说“做心脏手术之前,我觉得我战无不胜。”Before his heart attack, he said, “I thought I was invincible.

你的同伴已成为战无不胜的,你还在等什麽,现在?Your companions have become victorious, what are you waiting for now?

敌人自我吹嘘战无不胜,这最终导致了他们自己的失败。It was the enemys boast of impregnability that caused their own defeat.

江腾一,在鄂尔多斯这个不到两年的新兴赛道上立下战无不胜的地位。Jiang Tengyi, remains undefeated in Ordos for this two-year old circuit.

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所以有人说,如果你知道你的敌人和了解你自己,你将会在战场上战无不胜。If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.

巴比伦王以为是他战无不胜的军队打垮了犹大和她的首都耶路撒冷。The king thought that his unstoppable armies had crushed Judah and Jersualem.

大部分观众只认为克林·伊斯特伍德是个手持357口径大左轮枪、战无不胜的家伙。To most moviegoers, Clint Eastwood is the man on the winning side of a. 357 Magnum.

因为朋友的相助和激励,你才会战无不胜,一往无前。Because of a friend's help and encouragement, you will be invincible and indomitable.

君王们穿戴镶有钻石的护胸甲步入沙场,让自己战无不胜。Kings went into battlefields with diamond-studded breastplates to make them invincible.

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士气如虹则战无不胜,本文特别摘取了世界顶级CEO们对员工的激励秘诀。This article abstracts the encouragement secrets from some of the top CEOs in the world.

这一刻是勇往直前的人击败了华盛顿总是说战无不胜的人的时刻。This was the moment when the improbable beat what Washington always said was inevitable.

在所有人心中,弗朗哥。巴雷西都是意大利战无不胜的后卫中的佼佼者。All around the world Franco Baresi stands as the example of the invincible Italian defender.

我的剑术精湛,不仅因为接受过严格的训练,而且因为我拥有一把战无不胜的宝剑。I was good at it, because I trained hard, and because I had a sword that never lost a fight.

重生后战无不胜的躯体大战钢铁恶魔。如果卡辛不做,还会有谁?Reincarnated with an invincible body to fight an iron devil. If Casshern does not do it! who will?

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战略简直所向无敌,战无不胜,令无数人折服,作为公司建立的基础,作用巨大,几乎所有自视甚高的企业都有各自的公司战略。Strategy has triumphed, the installed base is huge, no self-respecting company would be without one.

坚持原则,不屈从于持享乐人生观的女妖的诱惑,这样的人生观将战无不胜。A life of principle, of not giving in to the seductive sirens of easy morality, will always win the day.

坚持原则,不屈从于持享乐人生观的女妖的诱惑,这样的人生观将战无不胜。A life of principle, of not succumbing to the seductive sirens of an easy morality, will alwys win the day.