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但是现在,这些计划似乎都岌岌可危。But now those plans appear to be in peril.

我抬头看着他的鼻子,发现有块鼻屎岌岌可危。Looking up at his nose, I saw snot dripping.

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美国的机床工业是岌岌可危了。America's machine-tool industry was on the ropes.

随着中国的现代化发展,许多传统信仰变得岌岌可危。As China modernizes, many traditional beliefs become endangered.

即使如此,她也顾虑你走在一条岌岌可危的路上。But even then, she cautions that you're walking a precarious line.

但是有机食品很受欢迎,它的价值体系也岌岌可危。But organic food is so popular that its value system is in jeopardy.

如果把关系混为一谈了,你的工作就岌岌可危了,对吗?Throw a relationship into the mix and you’ve got career suicide, right?

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那时候国王的统治已经岌岌可危,我搭乘巴士,在路上共花了三天时间。Last time it took three days on a bus, and the Shah was on his last legs.

洛克希德在德克萨斯沃斯堡制造工厂的工作岗位岌岌可危。At stake are jobs at Lockheed's Fort Worth, Texas, manufacturing facility.

伊比利亚猞猁体重约25磅,作为西班牙和葡萄牙的标志生物,它们如今的生存处境已岌岌可危。But the 25-pound Iberian lynx, icon of Spain and Portugal, is on shaky turf.

德国财长朔伊布勒本周二表示,欧盟对爱尔兰的援助,导致欧元的命运“岌岌可危”。Schauble said Tuesday the fate of the euro is "at stake" in the Irish bailout.

值得注意的是,报告同时发现,美国边界亦岌岌可危。It is worth noting that the report also found the American border to be atr isk.

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祈祷的人,彷佛置身在可怕的暴风之中,在岌岌可危的时刻,拼命呼求神的保护。It was the begging cry of someone needing protection in a terrible hour of storm.

不仅真实的流浪是岌岌可危的,我们摆放自己的方式也是。Not only actual exile is at stake, but also how we situate ourselves in the world.

绝对不会改变到岌岌可危的地方,换句话说,男性或女性的生命实存的地方。Absolutely nothing in what is at stake, namely, the being of the man or of the woman.

我们必须知道,这会是什麽意思。在这个「非我」,岌岌可危的,是怎样怪异的互补!One must know what this can mean, what strange complement may be at stake in this not-I.

偏远的帕萨比村庄位于帝汶岛东西岸之间岌岌可危的边界上。The remote village of Passabe lies on the precarious border between East and West Timor.

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墨西哥国家石油公司,这个岌岌可危的国有石油垄断企业,就总被批评为这方面的反面典型。Pemex, Mexico's creaking state-owned oil monopoly, is sometimes cited as a cautionary tale.

他们争论的是经济在岌岌可危的时候政府不应该提高任何人的税收。They argue that the government shouldn't raise anyone's tax while economy is in rock-shape.

但保守党指责他为了保住岌岌可危的首相地位而迎合左派。But the Conservatives accused him of pandering to the left to shore up his ailing premiership.