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这是一个相当大的盈余。This is a pretty big surplus.

未分配盈余将被忽略。Undistributed earnings are ignored.

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他们应该立即转用条形顶部蜂箱,降低蜂蜜生产盈余并停止偷拿蜂蜜。production and stop stealing honey.

但是中国的往来账户盈余漏失很快。But China’s surplus is dropping faster.

那客户的帐目是盈余还是透支?。Is the customer's account in credit or overdrawn.

不过在蔓越橘上则有九百万美元的盈余。But it had a 9 million dollar surplus in cranberries.

事实上,90年代末期,甚至还出现了财政盈余,-没错。In fact, by the late '90s they're just surplus. -Right.

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这两个国家都习惯于保留巨额的贸易盈余。Both nations are accustomed to running huge trade surpluses.

半年后,我和丈夫所有的盈余都亏掉了。Half a year later, both my husband and I lost all we gained.

第3章新准则下盈余管理的方法。Chapter 3 The methods of surplus management in new criterion.

只有土耳其的水有盈余,但他们并不愿意与其他国家分享。Only Turkey has a major surplus, but it is unwilling to share.

他表示,中国不需要维持对印度的贸易盈余。China does not need to run a trade surplus with India, he says.

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今年外部盈余应会继续有所下降。The external surplus should decline somewhat further this year.

因多付了账单款,我的卡上出现了盈余。Having overpaid the bills, I had a balance of credit in my card.

中国是否故意少报了其贸易盈余的大小?Is China deliberately understating the size of its trade surplus?

随着出口业的蓬勃发展,往来账户已经开始变得有盈余。With exports booming, the current account has swung into surplus.

即便如此,随着与日俱增的退休人员这些盈余将会消失。Even so, the surplus will disappear as the number of retirees rises.

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维修之后重要遗骸和盈余物留在了领地上。After maintenance the main remains and remainders remain onthe domain.

第5章盈余管理的治理对策和建议。Chapter 5 Countermeasures and suggestions of norming surplus management.

第4章新准则下盈余管理手段的识别方法。Chapter 4 The discernment methods of surplus management in new criterion.