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我感到钻心的痛。My heart often pained me.

起初是钻心的疼痛,直到失去知觉为止。The pain was excruciating at first, until the arm went numb.

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而就在这时,他感到在他的脖子钻心的疼痛。And just then, he felt a terrible pain in the back of his neck.

当时他想做一个很简单的控球动作,突然感到钻心的疼。Then he innocuously tried to turn with the ball and he felt a sharp pain.

贝拉特里克斯对他们不断使用钻心咒,直到他们彻底失去了神智。Bellatrix used the Cruciatus Curse on the two until they lost their minds.

传来他那时时被啜泣打断的、惊慌不安的、痛得钻心的呻吟声。O! ooo! he could hear his frightened, abjectly suffering moans, broken by sobs.

任凭江水冷得钻心,工人们仍然坚持下水操作。The workers still kept on working in the river even though the water was icy cold.

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我吮着疼地钻心的指头在房间里四处乱走,不觉来到了楼梯口。I walked around the house sucking my throbbing finger, finally arriving at the stairway.

他伸手取茶壶时,右肩的三角肌突然钻心般地疼了一下。When he reached for the teapot, a stab of pain shot through the deltoid in his right arm.

以前,我做几次高难度动作就会感到钻心的疼痛,现在已经不会了。Before, I will make several time stunners to feel the web the ache, now already could not.

这疼能疼得钻心,让他从熟睡中疼醒,呕吐。The pain would throb and pulsate, waking him out of a sound sleep and making him nauseated.

所以,你开始每天往返于你家与小木屋之间,钻心阅读和集中学习如何盖小木屋的知识。So you begin to come and go everyday to read and focus on learning how to build new log cabins.

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她也嘲弄哈利,并在听说纳威是隆巴顿家人之后用钻心咒折磨他。She also taunted Harry and used the Cruciatus Curse on Neville when she heard that he was a Longbottom.

然而,钻心的疼痛让他开始寻求生物化学领域更为现代的答案。Nevertheless, the searing pain he felt that day drove Jiang to seek out more modern answers in biochemistry.

席恩将手滑入她的手中,当他拉着女孩站起来时,他消失手指的残根钻心的疼。Theon slipped his hand through hers. The stumps of his lost fingers tingled as he drew the girl to her feet.

麻花钻钻心部分的几何参数,是决定钻头切削性能的关健因素。The geometry in the web of a twist drill is the key factor determining the cutting performances of the drill.

手指头为什么会有莫名其妙的内疙瘩?还会钻心的痒和疼?。Why can finger have indescribable inside a knot in one's heart? Itch and ache what can you still get a heart?

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哈利更仔细地端详着镜子里他额头上的伤疤,看不出有什么异常,可是仍然钻心地疼。He examined the lightning-bolt scar of his reflection more closely. It looked normal, but it was still stinging.

为什么人们知道这会危及生命却仍然一意孤行,现在伤口就如千刀万剐一般痛得钻心。So why do people do it knowing that it ruins lives, but now the pain is cutting me like a hundred stabbing knives.

飞机降落后,埃斯坎先生离开他的座位时,他说,立刻感到“左腿钻心的疼”。When the plane landed, Mr. Escandon got out of his seat and, he said, was immediately “blinded by pain in my left leg.”