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他是他本行业的能工巧匠。He is the master of his own trade.

他真是个能工巧匠。He really was a skillful craftsman.

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我真是佩服那些能工巧匠啊!I really admire those skilled artisans!

他是一位能工巧匠的徒弟。He was an apprentice to a master craftsman.

爷爷是我们这一片的能工巧匠。Grandpa is the handyman in the neighborhood.

他们成为能工巧匠和专业人员。They became skilled workers and professionals.

谁能知道有多少个能工巧匠的心血与智慧在此汇聚?Who knows how much painstaking effort the skillful craftsmen made?

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但是,他远不仅只是一个善于摆弄东西和词藻的能工巧匠。But he was much more than just a clever tinker with things and words.

自那以后,观看能工巧匠使用手中工具,成了我的一种乐趣。It has ever since been a pleasure to me to see good workmen handle their tools.

华丽的装潢都是出自能工巧匠之手。The gorgeous decoration in the palace comes from the hands of skillful craftsmen.

我国古代很多能工巧匠建造了许多宫殿。A lot of skillful craftsman in the ancient times of China constructed many palaces.

在古代中国有着众多的手艺高超的能工巧匠。There were never more highly skilled workmen than those who lived in ancient China.

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这位老工人在厂时干了三十五年,成了他那一行的能工巧匠。After working in the factory for 35 years, this veteran worker is a past master in his line.

在意大利半岛的佛罗伦萨,自18世纪以来便是能工巧匠聚集的地方。Since 18th century, there is a craftsmen-gathering place named Florida on Italian Peninsula.

又一块大陆上,那么多的能工巧匠集中起来,为活着的皇帝修筑巨大的陵墓。On another one, many artificers was assembled to build the huge mausoleum for living emperor.

如果你还在忙着找一个能工巧匠来确保节日装饰的按时进行,先想想自己能做些什么。If you’re still looking for a craft to do in time for the holidays, consider doing what we did.

阿根廷人的队伍当中,有一大批精通球艺的能工巧匠和艺术大师,其中就包括世界上名字最为响亮的顶尖高手。Argentina does have a lovely roster balance of workers and artists, including the world's top player.

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又一块大陆上,那么多的能工巧匠集中起来,为活着的皇帝修筑巨大的陵墓。On another , many skilled craftsmen was assembled to build the huge mausoleum for the living emperor.

在这里冰城的能工巧匠用智慧与技巧,以冰雪雕塑艺术语言描绘着一幅幅壮丽的画卷。The skillful craftsmen here carve out a series of impressive icy architecture each year with their wit and handicraft.

据说一位皇帝十分赞赏一位能工巧匠做的一个精致的蝈蝈笼。It is said one of the emperors admired a particularly intricate grasshopper cage, one of his craftsman had constructed.