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提拨金可随员工的薪资水准…Contributions can depend on your salary level.

动态提拨准备是否能影响经理人的行为,亦是个问题。Whether dynamic provisions influenced managers' behaviour is also questionable.

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研究结果显示,劳退新制提拨比例与国民年金保险费率越高,越不利于经济成长。In my work, apes, monkeys, and lemurs serve as visual metaphors for human growth.

一创立时就其资本总额提拨百分之一至百分之五。On the five percent of the total amount of capitals at the time of establishment.

为诸如雇员退休计划等在资产负债表上列为长期负债的项目提拨预留款。Long-term liabilities that appear on a balance sheet, such as an employee pension scheme.

对于公司每年提拨一部份利润作慈善,你有何看法?What are your thoughts about a company designating a portion of its annual profits for philanthropy?

但是当资本市场是不完全借贷时,提高提存制度的提拨率会有助于长期所得水准。If the capital market is imperfect, increasing the tax rate will increase the long-run output per head.

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在知识科学的神秘世界里,很少有人得到迅速擢升,提拨的过程几乎总是缓慢得令人痛苦。In the arcane world of scholarship and science, promotions are seldom speedy and almost always painfully slow.

提拨资金支应国家公共建设及民间重大投资计画,有助于促进国家经济成长及产业升级。VI. Complying with Government Policy to Provide Financing for Infrastructure Projects that Foster Economic Growth.

在提拨五年内若无实际投资损失发生时,应将提拨之准备转作第五年度收益处理。If there is no actual loss situation within 5 years, they shall turn the raising preparation to be the benefit of the 5th year.

尽管她跻身为顶级销售主管已有25年,但Ash屡屡与提拨无缘,也无法享受到与男同事同等的加薪资格。Despite being one of the top sales directors for 25 years, Ash was repeatedly refused the promotions and pay raises her male co-workers were receiving.

中国在这方面比世界其他国家洞烛先机,因为早在80年代,中国就已经看出稀土金属的价值,并提拨资金开发它们。China wisely outguessed the rest of the world by recognizing the value of rare earth metals as far back as the 1980s, and committed investment to mining them.

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约瑟夫,外来闪族,可能被提拨到高位,统治者的位置,这也就不那么令人惊奇了,如果我们假设当时有一个闪族王国。That Joseph, a Semitic foreigner, could be elevated to an important post, the post of governor, is a little less surprising, if we suppose there was a Semitic regime.

当人们退休时,选择确定提拨制的人往往会拿这些计划累积的资金来购买年金,以作为未来收入的来源,而年金产品多半由保险业者提供.When they retire, Defined Contribution plan members usually use capital accumulated in the schemes to buy an annuity -- commonly sold by insurers -- to provide their future income.