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打开空气轨。Air track one.

它使用热空气。It uses hot air.

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所有的人都需要空气。All men need aie.

他们乘坐空气。They ride on air.

来自空气的燃料?Fuel from the air?

空气传播声音。Air carries sounds.

烟屑污染空气。Soot fouls the air.

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空气化工产品公司中国。Air Liquide in China.

空气能使血液凝结。Air coagulates blood.

也裹挟进了更多空气。It sucks more air in.

这里是空气轨。Here is the air track.

烟雾污染了空气。Smoke dirtied the air.

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空气使气球膨胀。Air distends a balloon.

感受空气充盈你的肺叶。Feel air in your lungs.

空气流动。The air is circulating.

空气现在刮起风来。The air is now blowing.

我们需要空气呼吸。We need air to breathe.

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我们需要空气幸存。We need air to survive.

空气泵吸走淤泥。Air lift to suck up mud.

血液遇到空气就凝结。Blood coagulates in air.