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所以你就让他挨了枪子?。So you let him have it ?

这当然是难受的,但比挨枪子要好。Unpleasant, certainly, but better than being shot.

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“我会挨枪子儿,”他说在白宫的话。"Here, I'd get shot, " he said of the White House.

你做的任何是都可能挨枪子儿——包括你什么都不做。Anything you do can get you shot including doing nothing.

为什么在座的托马斯先生的儿子在赌场上吃了枪子儿?Why was Mr. Thomas's son, here, shot in a gambling house?

你做的任何事情都可能使你挨枪子——包括你什么都不做。Anything you do can get you shot---including doing nothing.

你做任何事都可能挨枪子——包括什么都不做。Anything you do can get you shot -- Including doing nothing.

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枪子尽管打他们脑袋瓜子好了,他们甚至不会知道有什么不同。You could shoot them in the nuts, and they wouldn't even know the difference.

“可怜的伙计谁不使用他们的枪子弹,”一位执行官。"Pity the folks who didn't use the bullets in their gun, " says a former exec.

“咱们要小心,”阿岱说,“可不能在出发之前中了别人的枪子儿”。"Let's be careful, " Adai said. "We don't want someone to shoot us before we leave. "

在越南一场持续了5个小时的战场上,我的腿被一些机枪子弹射中了。My leg had been shattered by a couple of machine gun bullets in a five-hour battle in Vietnam.

“如果他们让我来执行,我已经让他吃枪子了。”居住于彭沙科拉,现年61岁的泰勒说。"If they want me to, I'd put a bullet in his brain, " said Taylor, 61, who lives in Pensacola.

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伯登说,他认为自己没吃枪子儿的惟一原因是警察们看见了摄影师。Borden said he believes the only reason the deputies didn't shoot him was because they saw a cameraman.

黄主席很幸运,因为很多腐败和无能的政客们吃了枪子。Chairman Huang is fortunate because many corrupt and inept politicians get a bullet to the back of the head.

“句句是实,我赌咒!”约翰答道。“要是你拒绝的话,你就等着吃枪子儿吧,休想再见到我。”Every last word, by thunder! ' answered John. 'Refuse that, and you've seen the last of me but musket- balls. '

他也替病房打打杂,还利用空闲时间用一只奥军步枪子弹壳给我做了一个打火机。He also ran errands for the ward and in his spare time made me a cigarette lighter out of an empty Austrian rifle cartridge.

暴力成就传奇故事。主人公被砍肉刀追赶,挨枪子,还要被炸药炸得四分五裂。The violence is legendary. Characters are chased with cleavers, blasted with shotguns , and even blown apart with explosives.

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通过大量的实例计算和分析论证,并结合气枪子波实测资料,在旧模型的基础上提出了气枪理论子波修正数学模型。A modified model was concluded and used to calculate the pressure waveform from an air gun and to correct the theoretical waveform.

据一些人权组织和美国国务院称,成为异己分子和反对者的代价,就是关进劳改营或者吃枪子。Dissent and opposition carry the price of forced labor or execution, according to human rights groups and the U. S. State Department.

那和年幼时在公园里玩的捉迷藏没什么区别,只是如果被发现就要挨枪子儿。It's just like those youthful days of hide-and-seek in the park, the critical difference being that you get shot if someone finds you.