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那是个愚蠢透顶的讨论。It is an asinine discussion.

这个制度腐败透顶。The system is rotten to the core.

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他戴顶难看透顶的巴拿马草帽。He is wearing a dreadful Panama hat.

谁也不想发作这些倒运透顶的事。Nobody wants to have these bad things.

这一家人腐败透顶。The whole family is rotten to the core.

糟糕透顶了!我刚读了一条新闻。Oh, horrible! I just read a piece of news.

早上起床的感觉简直糟糕透顶。Getting up in the morning is pretty terrible.

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心中对太子失望透顶。Heart was a massive disappointment to prince.

我以为我们会赢的。真是失望透顶!I thought we would win! What a disappointment!

迈克尔聪明透顶,我斗不过他。Michael was too clever and intelligent for me.

这谆鸟的透顶上有一小簇红色蹬羽毛。The bird has a tuft of red on top of its head.

单身狗的情人节并不一定是糟糕透顶的哦!Being single on Valentine's Day doesn't have to suck.

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嗨,生活有时糟糕透顶,有时百无聊赖——又或许兼而有之。Hey, life is sometimes just hellish or boring—or both.

这个讨厌透顶的老上校正向一个姑娘送秋波呢。The horrid old Colonel was making sheep's eyes at a girl.

店员说,“我终于把那套一直压在这儿的难看透顶的西装卖出去了!”I finally sold that terrible, ugly suit we've had so long!

是否单身的恐惧让你的人际关系糟糕透顶?Is fear of being single keeping you in a bad relationship?

我在这家酒店住了5晚,失望透顶了。I spend 5 nights at this hotel, and I was very disappointed.

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史密斯太太都急出病来了,而蔡斯简直就绝望透顶了。Mrs. Smith was worried sick, and Chase is practically a basket case.

政府真是腐败透顶”,一位抗议者这样说到。"The government is completely corrupt, " says one of the protesters.

白人觉得他们很酷,但是实际上,白种人糟糕透顶。White people think theyre so cool, but in reality, white people suck.