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铅球的动作名称是哪三个?Is the shot action name three?

他创造了铅球的新纪录。He has hung up a new record for shot put.

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运动员如何将铅球投掷的更远?。How does the athlete throw the shot farther?

我10岁时,成为了一名铅球运动员。When I was 10 years old , I became a shot-put athlete.

旋转推铅是推铅球的方法之一。Revolving pushing is one of the methods of pushing shot.

美国铅球运动员亚当现在一心一意要拿金牌。U. S. shot putter Adam tries to wrap his mind around gold.

毕竟,奥运会铅球比赛的铅球重量才16磅。After all, even Olympic shot-putters toss only 16lb weights.

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一种很普遍的传统运动是digor,是推铅球的一种类型。A popular traditional sport is the digor, a type of shot put.

推铅球运动,经历了几百年的发展过程。Shot putting is an event with hundred years development process.

而我国主要普及的是背向滑步推铅球技术。The technique of shot put in China mainly focuses on sliding step.

然而,世界上的系统几乎都比推铅球复杂得多。The world, however, is full of more complicated systems than a shot-put toss.

一个掷铅球的运动员在掷铅球,只见一个铅球飞出了十几米。A shot-put athletes in shot-put, saw a shot to fly out of the more than ten meters.

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力量训练在优秀铅球运动员的整个训练中占有重要位置。Strength training plays an important role in the whole training of topnotch shot-putters.

我扔铅球扔得可远了,教练说了,人出去了不算啊!I threw the shot to throw may be far, the training said, the human exited not to calculate!

推铅球运动从产生至今650多年的发展历程中,它经历了多次技术变革。Shot put has undergone many innovation during over 650 years' development since the very beginning.

衔接技术是铅球投掷技术的重要环节,是沟通滑步技术与最后用力技术的关键。The transition skill between shin and final dellveration is a key link in the whole skills of shot put.

本文旨在研究“掌握学习”教学法在铅球技术教学中应用的可行性和有效性。My article aims to study the feasibility and usefulness of"Mastery learning theory"in shot-put Teaching.

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投掷类项目,如铅球、铁饼、标枪、链球都需要极强的力量性和协调性。Throwing events such as the shot put, discus, javelin and hammer require great strength and coordination.

因而在投掷过程中,如何提高铅球的初速度就成为了技术的关键。So how to improve the initial velocity becomes the key to the question during the process of shot putting.

出于面积有限,室内田赛仅有跳高,跳远,撑杆跳和铅球投掷。Because of space limitation, generally only high jump, broad jump, pole vault, and shot put are held indoors.