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我们赴年搭游轮到阿拉斯加。We cruised to Alaska last year.

他为了谋生还教些书,有时在游轮上打打工。He had to teach a bit, or work on cruise ships.

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他的工作完全是在那些奢侈的游轮上。His job was working in those luxurious cruises.

“挪威畅意号”也是挪威公司第二全新游轮。The Getaway is the the company's second-newest ship.

安东尼失去了他的工作和他在豪华游轮上的生活。Anthony lost his job and his life on the fancy boats.

因为他已经在一艘离这儿4000英里的游轮上了。because he is on a cruise ship 4000 miles away from here.

吴家一家人正在巴哈马做一星期的游轮之旅。The Wu family is taking a week-long cruise in the Bahamas.

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或者也许我会去游轮旅行,用一周的时间,放松放松,晒晒太阳。Or maybe go on a cruise and just relax in the sun for a week.

通过在豪华游轮公司的工作,他自己也富裕了起来。He was getting rich himself, too, by working on the cruise line.

在2月13日、2月14日,即星期五、星期六都会有游轮出航。There are cruises on Friday and Saturday February 13th and 14th.

湾区游轮、赫氏古堡及电缆车门票。San Francisco Bay Cruise, Hearst Castle Car admission is optional.

一趟阿拉斯加假期的游轮之旅就如同您的初吻一般难忘。A cruise with Alaskan Vacations is as memorable as your first kiss.

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此外,大多数游轮只允许游客在停靠点逗留很短的时间。Plus, most cruises only allow you to spend a short time at each stop.

他加入了纽约市的一家游轮公司,担任去英国的一艘豪华游轮的经理。He joined a cruise line in NYC as a manager on a fancy cruise to England.

爱情决定向乘着美丽的游轮经过的虚荣求助。Love decided to sak Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel.

皇家加勒比公司表示,海洋绿洲号游轮的乘票还未售完。Royal Caribbean said it has not sold out all its cruises on the new ship.

享受一下游轮上的暮后小酌或者像当地人称呼的那种游轮酒宴。Take the evening Sundowner Cruise, or Booze Cruise as the locals call it.

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色彩鲜艳的渔船与“世界号”等游轮争奇斗艳,热闹非凡。Brightly coloured fishing boats, jostle with cruise ships, such as The World.

这是一个正确的时刻为你跳中,并要求廉价游轮票。This is the right moment for you to jump in and ask for a cheap cruise ticket.

刘兆兴送给弟弟两张上海到日本的豪华游轮船票。Brother Liu Zhaoxing gave two pieces of Shanghai luxury cruise tickets to japan.