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你有没有收到喜帖?。Did you receive invitation?

我没收到过他的结婚喜帖,所以我没去。I never received his wedding invitation so I didn't go.

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这就是利东街,一条独具特色的喜帖街。This is Lee Street, a unique wedding invitation street.

喜帖和婚礼相关纸品的插画和设计。Design and illustration for wedding invitation and stationery.

探索的范围和独特的现代定制印刷喜帖或结婚文具。Explore the scope and unique custom printed invitations or contemporary wedding stationery.

英国撤销发给叙利亚大使的喜帖,因为那边暴力应对抗议者。Britain withdrew an invitation to the ambassador from Syria over violence against protesters there.

请到“留言与祝福”写下您的通讯地址,我们会立刻将喜帖寄送给您,谢谢!Please leave your address at "Messages & Blessings", we'll send the invitation card to you, thanks!

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游玩结束回到家中,父亲给雅拉甘介绍来送喜帖的朋友的儿子,恰好是皮特周。After back home, father gave two presidents GanJieShao to send invitations, the son of a friend, just happens to be Pitt weeks.

婚礼卡及喜帖设计项目每一位新人都是最特别,拥有独一无二的婚礼卡,让你的婚礼卡,代表你同朋友或亲人讲您们幸福。Every couple is special, with unique wedding card, wedding card, you represent you talk with your friends or relatives are happy.

结婚喜帖和结婚证书是纸印的,而且所有重要的人生过程或社交场合也几乎都是印在纸张上。Wedding invitations and marriage certificates are printed on paper, as are virtually all major life passages and social occasions.

昔日来到这条小街的情侣谁不满脸幸福的微笑,用心挑选着独特的喜帖,派送出一生的承诺?The old couple who came to the streets is not a happy smile, pick out a unique wedding invitations, sending out a lifetime commitment?

我可以老实的说我从未收到喜帖也从未让我在朋友喜欢的店里挑礼物。I can honestly say that I have never received a wedding invitation that didn’t also invite me to purchase a gift at my friend’s favorite shop.

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无论你有多麽地寂寞或你收到多少的弄璋弄瓦的喜帖,秘诀在于不要受惊愕。独居并没什麽罪过。No matter how lonely you get or how many birth announcements you receive, the trick is not to get frightened. There's nothing wrong with being alone.

距离大喜之日仅剩下一、两个月而已,现在他们已经完成大部分的准备工作,包括买好了婚纱以及寄发喜帖。And with the big day a couple of months away, they've already completed most of the arrangements by now, including purchasing a wedding gown and sending out the invites.

据悉,参加威廉与开忒4月29日婚礼的宾客所捐的善款都是保密的,而且皇室成员建议宾客们“网上募捐”,此外,“喜帖”的发放工作也在进行当中,估计下个月喜帖可以送达宾客手中。All donations will be confidential and guests at the April 29 wedding will be advised on how to make postal and online donations when they receive invitations next month.

如果您正在考虑购买一台新喜帖首页但担心喜帖的价格可以考虑另一种如果您已拥有一个家。If you are considering buying a new wedding invitation home but are worried about the wedding invitation price you might consider an alternative if you already own a home.

他做不到像其他准备结婚的小夫妻那样,一起置办结婚用品,张罗酒席喜帖之类的事宜。He cans not do it to are like the little husband and wife whom other preparation get married so, buys to get married thing together and attends to needs the affair like the feast wedding invitation.