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业余时间赚点零花。有意请联系!Please feel free to contact me!

妈妈给了他五块钱做零花。Mother gave him five yuan as pocket money.

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你留着这点钱在路上零花吧!Keep this money for incidental expenses on the way.

他爸爸以前给他现金零花,这个聪明人都会把零钱存起来。His father use to drop him cash and this witty person use to save up the spare change.

开始,我们依靠在酒吧里或向路人表演乐器来挣些零花的现金。At the beginning, we relied on performing on instruments in pubs or to passers –by to earn extra money in cash.

要不擦厕所吧,把工作做好呦,中国说不定会给你点零花,见鬼,他们也许会让你擦鞋。Do a good job at it and the Chinese might throw you some spare change. Heck, they might even let you shine their shoes.

一把好弓啊,非常之好。做它的人一定热爱这门手艺。你可以把剩下的钱用做这一季的零花。A fine bow, a fine one. Made by one who loves his craft. You may keep the rest of the gold as your allowance for the season.

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周末去看女儿,吃饭,油钱加上给女儿的零花,已经用掉了他们存折上剩下的最后的钱。The trip to see their daughter over the long weekend had eaten what was left of their checking, with gas and giving her extra money.

现实地讲,这些收入虽能支付零花费用,如买书、置衣和个人开销等,但不足以支付学费。Realistically, these earnings may be enough to pay out-of-pocket costs such as books, clothing, and personal expenses, but not pay any college bills.

我还需要拿出500元给父母亲作为零花,或许这只是非常少的部分,但是确实是我作为女儿的心意。I still need to come up with 500 yuan to the parents as Ling Hua, and perhaps this is only a very small part, but certainly I, as her daughter's mind.

罗比尼奥,伴随着他的个人魅力,他在球场上的表现以及偶像派的形象,将会为桑托斯吸引更多的赞助,而这一切对于俱乐部来说都是零花费的。Robinho, with his charisma, his performance on the pitch and his image of an idol, will attract better sponsors to Santos and all this at zero cost to the club.

贞怡把打工挣的钱交给了苏畔锡,让爸爸留着零花,苏畔锡很感动,一下子明白了马正基的心情,理解他昨天为何收到马仁星的钱生气。Zhen yi to work to earn money to Sue Banks tin, let father has money, Sue on tin was very moved, and suddenly understand Ma Zhengji mood, understand why yesterday received Ma Renxing his money.