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人们动摇了。People were reluctant.

这当中最关键的是,我们始终坚持三个不动摇。The key is three adherences.

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我的战意不会动摇!My convictions will not falter!

她动摇了,畏缩了,屈服了。She wavered, quailed, gave way.

这事并未动摇他的决心。This did not shake his resolve.

你们的承诺不能动摇。Your commitment must not waver.

奥巴马一样会动摇。Like Mr Obama, he will vacillate.

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这种支持似乎正在动摇。That support seems to be wobbling.

她的爱从未动摇过,她从未抛弃过我。She never wavered or gave up on me.

麦奇对我的忠诚是不会动摇的。Munchie's loyalties are not divided.

我们的决心绝不能动摇。And our determination must not waver.

如今,这种稳如磐石的形象开始动摇。That ironclad image is now tarnished.

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这个立场是不会动摇的。We will never waver in this position.

任何“如果”都动摇不了你的自我信念。"What ifs" can shake your self-belief.

谁也动摇不了他的决心。No one could stir him from his resolve.

任何事都动摇不了我的信仰。Nothing could make me waver in my faith.

呸!你的诡计无法动摇我的铁锤!Ach! Your ruses shall not sway my hammer!

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人在列邦中要说,耶和华作王,世界就坚定,不得动摇。Say among the nations, 'The Lord reigns.'

那时,他有些动摇了。The at that time, he somewhat vacillated.

杨坚听得心中有了一丝动摇。YangJian heard in the heart to have a shake.