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皇家宠物食品公司是玛氏旗下的品牌。Royal Canin is a division of Mars.

我们在五环旗下祈祷。We at five underneath orison of wreaths.

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思瑞现为海克斯康测量技术集团旗下品牌之一。Serein is one brand of Hexagon group now.

福伊特水电是福伊特集团旗下的一个分支机构。Voith Hydro is a Group Division of Voith.

有趣的是,布鲁明戴尔本身就是梅西百货公司旗下的。It's funny because Macy's owns Bloomingdale's.

目前,CCMP旗下大约有50个控股公司。Right now, CCMP has about 50 portfolio companies.

旗下有好好日子多功能小吃车。There's a good day of multi-functional snack car.

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是公司旗下的第一文化品牌工程。LTD, which is the major cultural brand of CAMINITO.

国投集团启动旗下电力资产整合。Investment Group to start integrating its power assets.

同品牌旗下的新店“M烧肉”,已在道顿堀河边开幕。Our brand new "M no Yakiniku" opened by Dotonbori river.

诺维科夫先生没有固定办公室,他依次视察旗下各家餐厅。He has no office, and visits his restaurants in rotation.

现在李的旗下大约有70名准偶像歌星。Lee currently has about 70 would-be idols under his wing.

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华纳兄弟唱片公司是华纳音乐集团旗下的公司。Warner Bros. Records is a unit of Warner Music Group Corp.

亚马逊为旗下的作家出版,您对此有何看法?What do you think about Amazon publishing its own authors?

北京华联集团旗下有两家上市公司和多家控股公司。BHG has two listed companies and several holding companies.

公司成立于2003年,是永通集团旗下子公司之一。It is one of the subsidiaries headed by the Yountong Group.

同年三月,旗下的学习中心在俄罗斯美丽富饶的索罟建立。The first center in Russia, Soko, was opened in March 2008.

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罗技旗下的奥体美700就是一个绝佳的选择。An excellent choice are the Ultimate Ears 700 from Logitech.

凯迪拉克是通用汽车旗下的豪华汽车品牌。Cadillac is a luxury vehicle marque owned by General Motors.

DWS近期在亚洲多个市场推出了旗下基金业务。The DWS brand of funds has been recently introduced in Asia.