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我年长的那个儿子重婚了。My elder son remarried.

禁止重婚。Bigamy shall be prohibited.

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也许是因为有的人正在重婚。It could be because they are remarrying.

事实重婚中事实标准如何确定?。How to judge the standard of virtual bigamy?

他们2006年便离婚了,之后各自重婚。They divorced in 2006 and have both since remarried.

简化了的一夫一妻制导致了重婚发生的可能性。Simplified marriage procedures have led to a rise in bigamy.

重婚都被看作是违反法律的。And if they had all accepted, you would have become a bigamist.

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自从那一天,我曾考虑成为重婚行为。And ever since that day , I have considered becoming a bigamist.

一时间,在他的思想中模模糊糊闪出了重婚这个念头。Bigamy lightened the horizon of his shadowy thoughts for a moment.

据说重婚者受到的最大惩罚是——两个丈母娘。The maximum punishment for bigamy is said to be two mothers-in-law.

在犹他州发现一伙重婚者不足为奇。In Utah, discovering a band of polygamists hardly raises an eyebrow.

事实婚不受法律保护,法律婚是重婚的前提。Fact marry not be protected by law. Law marry is bigamous precondition.

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它在重婚关系中娶了全国各地的许多女人。He married a number of women around the country in bigamous relationships.

目前,我国出现了相当数量事实婚重婚的现象。There occurs a great deal of practical bigamous marriages at present in China.

重婚行为作为违法行为是否不论情况均构成重婚罪?重婚罪有哪些形态?。Are the bigamous actions regarded illegal and committing crime of bigamy under all situations?

重婚罪是指有配偶而重婚或者明知他人有配偶而与之结婚的行为。Bigamy means a married person commits bigamy or marries another who he knows has been married.

因此,法律应明确对重婚人因重婚行为而发生的赠与权利进行限制。The author then suggest, law should limit the rights of legator and legatee arise from bigamy.

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而法律上的重婚须经法院宣告才能确定该婚姻自始不发生婚姻效力。In the case of legal bigamy, however, the marriage is ascertained to be invalid only after the court's adjudication.

如果像双方的家庭成员所说的那样,他们做的最后一件事将会是宽容的对待一个育有混种族婴儿的重婚者。The last thing they were going to look kindly on, if they chose to see it this way, was a bigamist with a mixed-race baby.

民国七十四年为贯彻一夫一妻制之原则,而将重婚改为无效婚。To enforce the principle of monogamy, in 1985 the Civil Codes stipulated that "bigamous marriages are grounds for nullity."