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他们还在难产的时候使用产钳。They also used forceps for difficult births.

结论胎膜早破与难产的关系密切。Conclusions The PROM is the cause of dystocia.

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子宫破裂的首要原因是胎位性难产,其次为疤痕破裂。The first reason for uterine ruptures is fetal dystocia.

1630年,穆姆塔兹在分娩第14个孩子的时候不幸难产死去。In 1630, Mumtaz died while giving birth to her 14th child.

奶牛行为和难产之间是否有内在的联系?Is there a relationship between cow behavior and dystocia?

他们不会对死于难产的妇女进行尸体检查。They don't do autopsies on women who die in childbirth here.

下面这首习作就难产于当时的茫然不知所措中。The following is the first project of dystocia at that time loss.

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本文对7例在养殖条件下难产的花面狸进行了研究。The paper studied 7 case Masked civet of dystocia in farm condition.

对虾中某种效力大的化学成分会导致难产。Certain potent chemicals in prawn precipitate difficulties during delivery.

糖尿病孕妇生育巨大胎儿及发生肩难产的危险性增加。Maternal diabetes increases the risk of fetal macrosomia and shoulder dystocia.

最常见的产伤是臂麻痹,通常因肩难产引起。The most common injury is brachial plexus palsy, often caused by shoulder dystocia.

目的了解胎膜早破难产发生率升高的原因。Objective Understand reason of high occurrence rate of dystocia while caul early broken.

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冬天里许许多多的妇女因为得不到及时的救治而死于难产。In winter greater numbers of women die in childbirth because they can't get help in time.

难产,接生婆束手无策,需要马上去医院,把孩子生下来。The pregnancy was difficult, and the woman needed to go to the hospital to have her baby.

肩难产被大多数医生认为是产科或助产的急症。Shoulder dystocia is considered an obstetric or midwifery emergency by most practitioners.

托拜厄斯的母亲死于难产,而托拜厄斯出生时只有一只眼睛可以看见。Tobias's mother died in labour, and Tobias was born a hunchback with only one working eye.

通常非婚生或是母亲难产而死的孩子都沦为了孤儿。Children mostly became orphans from being born out of wedlock or women dying in childbirth.

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这些药物一般属于异维甲酸类,怀孕期间使用能够导致难产。The drug, sold generically as isotretinoin, can cause birth defects if taken during pregnancy.

因此,在古代中国、印度、埃及和巴比伦,科学始终处于难产状态。Thus science suffered still-births in the cultures of ancient China, India, Egypt and Babylonia.

亨利的第三任妻子简·西摩尔生下一个男性继承人,即爱德华,但很快死于一次难产。Henry’s third wife Jane Seymour provided a male heir, Edward, but died soon after a difficult labour.