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子弹从我的肩头呼啸而过。The bullet zipped past my shoulder.

因为你肩头扛起责任了。Because you have responsibilities now.

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肯尼迪用肩头支架着电话筒。Kennedy cradled the phone on his shoulder.

他把手从那个女人的肩头拿了下来。He drops his arm from the woman’s shoulder.

王可圣摸了一下老秦的肩头。The king can feel a bit Laoqin St. shoulders.

她把手放到他的肩头,但他退缩着躲开了。She puts her hand on his arm and he flinches away.

渡鸦羽毛的斗篷在肩头上顺风飘动。A cloak of raven feathers fluttered from his shoulders.

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这时,他觉得安灼拉的手在他的肩头上。At that moment, he felt Enjolras' hand on his shoulder.

她把雪白的手往我前倾的肩头放。And on my leaning shoulder she laid her snows-white hand.

我们是否软弱多愁,千斤重担压肩头?Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care?

她用披肩把肩头裹紧以挡风。She gathered the shawl about her shoulders to keep out the wind.

我甚至想去安慰性地拍抚他的肩头。It even crossed my mind to touch him comfortingly on the shoulder.

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童心一手扶著金灵肩头,正想劝慰她,却蓦然想起一事。Shin puts one hand on Ling's shoulder and is about to comfort her.

他走到导航台,把一只手放在贝丝的肩头。He moved to the NAV station and set one hand on Bethany's shoulder.

它向我跳过来,爪子搭在我的肩头,眼睛看着我的脸。He jumped against me, his paws on my shoulders, his eyes on my face.

夕阳依着黄昏,霞光撒在肩头泛起的微微褶皱。The setting sun in dusk, rays and shoulders thrown in slightly fold.

他正要冲出屋子,马丁一把揪住他的肩头,揪得他转过身来。He was out of the room when Martin caught him and whirled him around.

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到了下午六点钟,麦垛的高度差不多只有从地面到人的肩头那样高了。At six o'clock the wheat-rick was about shoulder-high from the ground.

父母们将孩子放在肩头出席艾菲尔铁塔的展览会。Parents carried kids on their shoulders to an Eiffel tower exhibition.

可以看到肩头指的那只蛋是没有受精的!A picture on which you can see the arrow pointing the unfertilized egg!