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我们去溜冰刀吧!Let's go ice skating!

尝试下溜冰吧。Try going ice skating.

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一起去万象城溜冰吧!Go Skating in The MIXc!

一起去溜冰。Go ice skating together.

他们不会用滚轮溜冰。They can't roller-skate.

他更喜欢溜冰。He preferred skating better.

大卫,明天下午要和我一起去溜冰吗?I go ice-skating twice a week.

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冬日里我们滑雪溜冰。In the winter we ski and skate.

你多久去一次溜冰?How often do you go ice-skating?

冰太薄,不能在下面溜冰。The ice is too thin to skgot on.

你曾作过溜冰旅行吗?Have you ever made a skating tour?

那些溜冰的人溜过冰面。The skaters glided across the ice.

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基蒂有个围巾和溜冰板。Kitty has a scarf and a skateboard.

我已经有许多年没有溜冰了。It's been years since I skated last.

溜冰是我最喜爱的运动。Roller-skating is my favorite sport.

很多爱好溜冰者正在湖上溜冰。Many skaters are skating on the lake.

她的8字花式溜冰动作堪称完美。She skated a perfect figure of eight.

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路上结冰的时刻,比我熊喜好溜冰。When it's icy, he skates in the lane.

她的名字叫艾丽丝。她有个溜冰板。Her name's Alice.She has a skateboard.

在第六张画里一个女青年在溜冰。In Picture 6, a young woman is skating.