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他们研究各种星象。They studied the stars and planets.

在空间站看星星象的样子是什么?What do the stars look like in the space?

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长期看您的星象好得很呢!Your long-range aspects are truly stellar!

我不相信星象学或是算命的。I don't believe in astrology or fortune-telling.

流星象一道闪光划过夜空。Like a flash of lightming, the meteor shot across the sky.

星象能量会使你比平常更加的具有防卫性。The celestial energy can make you more guarded than usual.

你应该找一个占星家,让他告诉你你的星象。You should go to an astrologer to have your horoscope read.

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我已经有好几天似乎和我的星象预言相符合。I've had days that seem to fit with my horoscope's predictions.

有奇特的无字天书星象图,留下了无数的不解之谜。These unique round impressions have remained an unsolved mystery.

对于星象观测者和像我一样的德州人来说这是一个熟悉的景象。Here is a familiar figure – to stargazers – and to Texans like me.

中国星象学及星座常用于占卜。Chinese astrology and constellations were often used for divination.

这周的星象预示着一些取悦他人的行为。This week, the planets blow the whistle on that people-pleasing behavior.

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朱意花早已熟悉中国星象中的12个动物生肖。Zhu Yihua is already f with the 12 animal signs of the Chinese horoscope.

天啊!俺星象还说啥今天俺会好过哩,简直错错错!Man! My horoscope was so wrong when it said I was going to have a good day.

我们的星象图显示出那个时间的峨眉盈月和土星。Our sky chart shows the waning crescent moon and Saturn for about that hour.

我们不能仅仅通过占星或者!星象图来判断自己或他人。We can not judge ourselves or others according to astrology or horoscope chart.

在那之后,你在2022年前不会再见到这一星象了。After that, these powerful planets will say adieu and not meet again until 2022.

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为了逃过被证伪的命运,星象学整个抹掉了其理论的可测试性。In order to escape falsification they destroyed the testability of their theory.

看到了吗,我看挺好的。让一个星象控制你的生活真是荒谬。See, that sounds good to me. It's ridiculous to let a horoscope control your life.

一位名叫克里丝丁的女孩已经被选中,因为她出生时星象排列正确。A girl named Christine has been chosen, since the stars were right when she was born.